Aaron Sorkin: A Writer of Modern Classics
Aaron Sorkin is one of the most acclaimed, beloved, hated and, if nothing else, identifiable screenwriters of modern times. Probably best known for his primetime drama The West Wing, the sound of a Sorkin screenplay is unmistakable—witty, fast-talking dialogue or monologue, intelligent-but-acerbic male protagonists, and morality tales with politically liberal messages. While known for his smart stories of government and politics, he’s also written quite a bit about the media industry and television in particular.
While his style can be polarizing, Sorkin is an undeniably brilliant writer, responsible for modern classics such as A Few Good Men, and recent hits like The Social Network. He’s won an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and several Emmys, and continues to be a powerhouse in both Hollywood and television.
Aaron Sorkin’s Early Life
Sorkin was born in 1961 in Scarsdale, a suburb of New York City, and while growing up was very active in theater. He actually wanted to be an actor during college, when he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at Syracuse University in theatre. Sorkin worked as a limo driver and a singing telegram performer while struggling as an actor in New York while in school. But he soon realized that his greater talent was in penning characters rather than playing them. Soon after graduating, he began writing off Broadway plays, including his first script Removing all Doubt, and then Hidden in This Picture in 1988.
Breakthrough Scripts
It was while talking to his older sister Deborah, a Navy Judge Advocate General, about a case she was working that he came up with the idea that broke his career. Based on the case, he wrote a stage version of A Few Good Men, a military courtroom drama about Marines who killed their fellow soldier. Before the play ran, Sorkin sold the movie rights that would lead to an Oscar-nominated film starring Demi Moore in the role based on his sister.
His next movie was Malice, a so-so crime thriller starring Alec Baldwin and Nicole Kidman. But Sorkin would really find his niche and his style with The American President, a romantic comedy about a widowed president played by Michael Douglas, and his attempt at dating an environmental advocate played by Annette Benning. The film was a huge hit, and earned him a reputation for portraying realistic and relatable characters and situations in American politics.
Television Success and The West Wing
In 1998, Sorkin turned to writing for television with the cult hit Sports Night, about the cast of a fictional sports news show not unlike ESPN’s Sports Center. The show was worshipped by many critics and fans and won multiple awards, but had poor ratings, only staying on the air for two seasons on ABC.
Undaunted, his next project would be the most Sorkin-ey, for better or worse, and earn him a name as one of the best American television writers in history. When he originally wrote The American President, the screenplay was a massive, overloaded 385-pages. Sorkin cannibalized some of the content that didn’t make it into the film to create The West Wing, an hour-long primetime drama about the staff of fictional Democratic President Jed Bartlet, expertly played by Martin Sheen. The show ran for seven seasons, but Sorkin and his writing and production partner Thomas Schlamme left as executive producers after the fourth.
The West Wing is considered by many to be one of the best television dramas of all time. It featured a dazzling ensemble cast of Bradley Whitford, Allison Janney, Rob Lowe, Stockard Channing, Alan Alda and a number of other rotating names. The show earned Sorkin his reputation for a specific style of writing—fast-paced, witty, sarcastic and at times a bit condescending. Nothing exemplifies this style more than the “walk and talk” in which characters would walk briskly together down hallways, firing razor sharp lines at each other at near-superhuman pace. More than anything else, it eas this style that made Aaron Sorkin a household name.
The show also earned Sorkin a reputation for having a heavy-handed political voice that conservatives loathed and even liberals could find preachy. The Bartlet Administration presented Sorkin’s ideal progressive administration, and characters would frequently deliver lengthy monologues on current events and controversies. But none of this held the show back as it continues to hold an esteemed place in television history.
Following The West Wing, Sorkin went on to produce and write Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, based on a fictional sketch comedy show. There was a great deal of buzz surrounding the show, and critics gave it positive reviews, but it was ultimately canceled after the first season. Many chalked up the failure to unfortunate similarities to 30 Rock, the successful Tina Fey comedy that launched at the same time.
Recent Movies and Shows
After the disappointment of Studio 60, Sorkin took a hiatus from television and film for a few years, but he very quickly bounced back with two huge screenplays. He wrote the Facebook CEO-skewering film The Social Network, which earned eight Oscar nominations and a best screenplay award for Sorkin. The very next year, Moneyball, adapted from the popular book of the same name, would nab Sorkin yet another Oscar nomination.
And in 2012 he made a big return to television with the HBO series The Newsroom, this time taking on the media and TV news programs. The high profile show features Jeff Daniels as heroic, truth-spewing nightly news anchor Will McAvoy. He and his staff at a fictional network relive actual, recent news events but through Sorkin’s lens of what an idealized, romanticized news outlet would have done. The show has earned mixed reviews, with some loving it, and others finding it smug or like a series of self-serving lectures from Sorkin.
Love him or hate him, Aaron Sorkin has earned his spot on the Mount Rushmore of American screenwriters, and established his own genre of sorts. And while he’s faced his share of stumbles and criticism, he’s nothing if not resilient, firing off the next Academy Award-winning blockbuster or critically adored TV show before the ink on his last review has dried.
Amanda Kalauta
Hi Aaron,
Thank you for your work. So inspiring. I love it. I feel inspired to be a better human, to live more with my heart and values. I feel to be me because somewhere in this world I will take my place and find it quicker than trying to live a life of mediocrity and pleasing to everyone. I love that although it is ideal we need standards to work towards and if not morals and values and ideals then what? I feel good about the fact that I am alive and have an opportunity of making this world a better place… Even if it means something small by being curteous to those who serve me as a train conductor or the office cleaner or showing recognition to the beggar even if I don’t have money to offer him but to simply say “I see you”.
I’ve enjoyed so much of Mr. Sorkin’s work, I am wondering if there was a website or email that I could send questions to Mr. Sorkin? Thank you
The show The Newsroom on the office doors and windows have lines that look like a bar code. If they are what does it read? ACN?
All I have to say is Mr. Sorkin I love all the movies you have ever worked on. I loved The West Wing. And I was a late comer to The Newsroom but I loved it.
You dont produce rubbish and It was an amazing show. I really wish it wasn’t cancelled. Everyone in any field could identify with messages in every episode and the series(The Newsroom) itself. Please Sir, do not stop writing television just find a better network or non-network(Netflixs) to work with. Television is saturated with mindless rubbish and you were a welcomed relief of that. I always look forward to any and all your work.
Thank you sincerely for it all and I truly hope you don’t stop writing television.
It is time to bring a new west wing to another generation
Linda Franks
Ok Mr Sorkin. What’s Next?
Ankur Gupta
Hello Mr Sorkin,
Hope you are doing well.
I really admire your work and how you connect to simple everyday human emotions. When I saw The Social Network I was amazed by the screenplay and your writing, which made me explore further into your works. Then The Newsroom educated me on so many levels and taught me to be tolerant and broad minded. I became a very big fan of yours with The West Wing. Especially the scene in 2nd Episode of 4th season where a father says that getting your daughter to graduate is tough, it is a man’s work but it should be little easy. I was alone when I saw that scene but was left clapping for long time. Bravo!! Sir, thanks for your awesome work and unmatchable talent. Looking forward to more work of you.
I have never been attracted to a show from the first sentence unless it’s written by Aaron Sorkin. He has a way to draw you in ( if you’re intelligent.) If your iffy keep watching. You’ll laugh, you’ll feel, you learn & you’ll want more. Mr.Sorkin please keep us informed.We miss you so much.
Lisamarie 6-9-2015
Thank you sir for everything
Nancy James
The Newsroom is one of the finest shows I have ever seen. The wit and intellect of the characters is thoroughly engrossing. An all-star cast. Thank you for your fine work, Nancy James
Newsroom is amazing! What needs to happen in order to bring it back, in light of the 2016 Presidential campaign news? If HBO is not interested, how about getting those 4 episodes that we missed in the Season 3 finale, marketed for primetime. Have you even considered PBS? Everyone needs to see Newsroom. It’s intelligent entertainment! Further, what about making it a “new” exclusive series for Netflix, Amazon, USA or TNT network? Thanks!
dear mr. sorkin, i have recently watched season 3, the last of your “the newsroom” series. after watching “the west wing” and loving it, i wanted you to know how much i enjoyed the newsroom. listening to the commentary, i wanted you and your director, alan poul, to know that the things you two were unhappy with (like the make up that mackenzie is wearing while she’s down and out at the bowling alley, and the non-disheveled appearance of will at the st. barth’s bar, etc. ) went unnoticed by me until you mentioned them. as a viewer, we get caught up in the story – and unless we are looking to pull things apart, the little things that bother you are largely missed by the greater audience (i think). so, bravo, to you for another masterful series.
Thank you for all you do and have done!
I’ve enjoyed it all.
Nidhal Taibah
Aaron Sorkin should write a current day follow up to the masterpiece film “Network”
Aaron Sorkin is quite simply brilliant !
I have been entertained, informed and riveted in equal measure by so much of his work ..
I have one wish and it is one that is shared by millions of other people , please , please , bring back The West Wing .. I know it is probably never going to happen – but it would be a massive hit all over again and could begin with Sam becoming president perhaps and could also re-visit the old cast members in their lives away from the West Wing , since leaving the White House .There has been no other series , past or present that even comes close to the brilliance of this tv masterpiece … On behalf of fans of the show everywhere – please consider reviving the show , it would attract all the older viewers in droves and also introduce a whole new generation to the delights of the ‘New West Wing’ …
Thought it was worth asking , at least ..
John Katsantonis
It’s a boon to have someone raising the bar, in this loveliest of worst-millennia-ever. Especially in a writer who our current-day meld of Shakespeare, Serling, and Hecht.
That said, and in the name of God and all that’s Holy, Aaron, please please please PLEASE do not, do NOT, DO NOT create any more television shows about television shows, okay?? We’re BEGGIN’ ya!!
Being able to call dialogue (even if we here ARE intelligent, insightful, intuitive individuals) is unseemly at best, boring on average, and ridiculous at worst.
Maybe a show about a 1980s baseball team whose owner and manager constantly feud with their new greedy overlords, in an eternal debate about Love Of The Game vs. Money?? (Not that this wouldn’t constitute re-re-re-inventing much of what you’ve done, but……..)
At least you could get the fuck out of using TV studios and sets for your walk-and-talks, and instead get a bit of sunshine and Astroturf (if not actual grass) instead, eh?
Kiss-Kiss/Bang-Bang~J. Katsantonis & T. Dalton (Chicago-ish, IL)
Having worked in the TV news industry all my life I enjoyed the 1st couple episodes of Newsroom, It reminded me of the way News used too be, but unfortunately by episode 3 or 4 when the IT guy punches a monitor because of something Rush said they used out of context I realized it was just another pro liberal /anti conservative piece of garbage outlet so I stopped watching it.
At least now I will know better than watch anything Aaron Sorkin produces
Please, please, please, Mr. Sorkin, please give us more of “The Newsroom”. I cried when it ended!
Hi Aaron:
I’m no different from many others. I want more for myself and others Like the characters in your scripts. Your writing isn’t just inspirational. We believe it. We want to find people with as much intelligence and empathy as you have given to so many of your characters. Don’t ever underestimate your contribution to the world. You have affected so many of us and we love you for it.
2 of my favourite shows of all times, The Newsroom and The West Wing no longer being made. I can understand actors wanting to go and do other stuff but I so miss them. I’ve just re warched the whole 7 series of The West Wing and it really could have continued with the Santos administration. Nobody has successfully written anything to match either fast-paced walk and talk or content, they’ve tried but personally I find the dialogue weak and uninteresting.
Mr. Sorkin,
Please consider doing a tv series about the supreme court and before Ken Burns gets to it how about a tv series about alternate scenarios about how the civil war ended. I think both topics lend themselves to your creative genius. And by the way I am available as a creative consultant.
Rob McDonald
Hello Mr. Sorkin,
I am awestruck by your talent and prowess. I have enjoyed many projects that bore your imprint, and simply wanted to send a heartfelt “thank you” along. A recent convert to HBO NOW, I have been binge-watching several series when I discovered “The Newsroom”. WOW, great show, now into season 2. Again, many thanks to you for your writing.. in a nutshell, it’s gripping!
Sharon Spivak
We were recently offered HBO for free from our cable service and discovered “The Newsroom.” I cannot begin to tell you how sad I am in having just found this brilliant series only to learn that it lasted only three seasons. What I don’t understand is how this series cannot be still on the air! It was one of, if not the single most intelligent TV series I’ve ever seen and “so” needs to be back on the air! I deeply wish, my personal mandate. carried the necessary power to get this show back on TV, but it occurs to me that I might be disappointed. I would be so very happy to see more of this programming, but I would be delighted beyond measure to see THIS series, The Newroom, back on again. Why isn’t it and why can’t it be??
Anthony C
Please bring The Newsroom back! I know it’s not completely up to you but I wish it was. Sorry just had to say that!
Thank you for helping me to imagine life more complexly. It has helped shape my existence.
One small criticism
Pool being played on screen is always done poorly. West Wing and Newsroom are no exception. This is a trivially easy fix. There are many inspired pool players out there who would gladly volunteer their time to assure the scenes look accurate, or at least believable.
I very much enjoyed Mr. Sorkin’s work on West Wing and American President. During a time of trouble, Mr. Sorkin’s insights into the lives of the people making up the Presidential team and how each position was essential to make the whole thing work were inspiring and restored my faith in our executive office. I think the Legislative Branch needs something similar. I know there are good people in this group, but sadly they are being stereo-typed by the exploits of some of the one of lesser character. Perhaps an effort to show some insight into the roles, struggles and hard work done by these folks to balance the dirt we hear would restore our faith in the system. Maybe we follow Sam to Congress…What do you think Mr. Sorkin?
rachel winters
I’m totally immersed in rewatching the WestWing. Start to finish. I adored the show first time around and taped every episode and now I get to watch it on Netflix. I suspect once I’m done, I’ll just go back and start again. Why watch anything else? Except of course Newsroom. I look forward to Steve Jobs.
Wouldnt it be great to have another Aaron Sorkin show? How about a “behind the scenes” at a school. I know school shows have been done but never a show which deals with the realities of a school, the budget, the new curriculum standards, the parents, the administration, good/bad teachers, politics, etc in schools.
Michael Warren
I’m taking a shot here. One of those moments where nothing might happen, or in the way you write could be the difference. I couldn’t be more appreciative of how you write. I was born into republicanism, which seems to be more a party of birthright than choice. It obviously has more black and white in its inheritance than being liberal, which is cumbersome and sad. To be honest, I think I suffer from a dementia of sorts when it comes to politics than most of my generation does. We all want what is best for us, that is the point. But ultimately, we have very little understanding of what that might be. There is so much give and take that we have come to rely on others to tell us what takes outweigh the gives in our own lives. And worse than that, we don’t even have the education or fortitude to look at what those are and make the best informed choice over the long haul. That is where your message has become so strong for me. I don’t care if others refer to it as the “Left Wing”. It never jaded the concept of a two-party government. It was true to the message while bringing entertainment at the same time. l mean, the Ainsley Hayes breakdown of Sam Seaborn was epic. It didn’t propose to solve a problem…it merely presented two sides of an argument that allowed anyone who cared to make an informed decision. And as much as I enjoyed the West Wing, I thought Studio 60 was even better. That opening monologue by Judd Hirsch…I felt it. Every emotion, and all do respect to him for evoking that in me, was what so many of us feel without either having the balls, or the commitment to feel. It was the stand-up, this is who we are soliloquy which we all bullshittingly believe in at the Star-Spangled openings of sporting events and portray on sacrificial holidays…but forget the other 350+ days a year. We are a privileged people that on one day forget the fallen soldier and celebrate the wounded poached animal on social media because of its convenient sentiment and the next day barbecue our ass off to our ultimate willful neglect of lost ones (Korea, Vietnam, etc.) and champion “Why do you hate Pit Bulls today”? There is some beauty in that ability to be so widespread in our thoughts, concerts, and charity. But I ultimately would like to see more from Americans in what is happening on a grand world scale, if not in our own country. Politicians will always be politicians, that is a given. But the more educated the public is, the more their job becomes “representative’ and not “decision-maker worrying about my career”. Your stories have done that for me. You are fair, education, concerned, empathetic..everything a writer of such things should be and concerned about. I appreciate it and will turn as many people as I can on to your projects as a way to teach people now “what” to think, but “how” to think.
Kathleen Staiger
What’s next? We think The West Wing was one of the best shows ever written, and are now enjoying The Newsroom (yes, we love it!). We’re hoping you have a new series in the offing….?
Whitney Fero
Dear Mr. Sorkin-
I have a question for you about your writing for The West Wing.
I have to admit that I may be a “Wing Nut.” My step-son and I just calculated that having watched the series six times (including in the original on TV) that I have spent about 28 days of my life watching The West Wing.
I just finished a couple of books by Robe Lowe and am going through the series again watching from a writer’s and actor’s perspective. I realize now why I don’t love the final seasons as much as I loved the first four. You mattered A LOT!!!
Okay, so here’s my question: smart, thoughtful exact Toby ALWAYS messes up the saying, “I couldn’t care less.” Every time in every variation. He always says, “I could care less.” I just saw President Bartlet do the same. Was the dialogue written that way? I assume so, because Rob Lowe wrote about how there was a woman whose job it was to make sure the dialogue execution was exact.
So why does our Toby know EVERYTHING in the universe but messes that up every time?
That’s it. That’s my question. I’m sure you get lots of email, but I am SO curious.
Best regards-
Whitney Fero
Whitney Fero
OOPS! Please don’t post my comment on your website. I didn’t realize that’s what I was filling out until I hit send and saw the other comments. ACK!. I wouldn’t have signed with my full name if I’d realized this was a comment wall. Thanks a bunch! wf
Just finished watching the final season of newsroom again! I loved the show and frankly and very sorry it came to an end. Refreshing dialogue, characters and a whole lot of spin on real life! Fun and serious all in one package. Hope to see more of this.
Aaron, My wife and I just finished “binge” watching every episode of Newsroom (some a few times) – we would like to congratulate you on, in our opinions, the best writing ever for any type of drama. It’s somewhat highly disappointing that the show will not return but we have been blessed to have been able to enjoy every single minute of this outstanding work. We were also loyal watchers of West Wing so when we started Newsroom, our expectations were high – you not only didn’t disappoint us but surpassed even our lofty expectations. Your ability to piece together an incredible ensemble of actors in both TV and film and draw from them outstanding performances is terrific. I still consider the a Jack Nicholson / Tom Cruise courtroom exchange in A Few Good Men to be one of the stellar acting performances of all time. Finally, the closing episode of Newsroom was the best series finale in TV history. You brought all aspects of the show together, all characters in their roles together and provided closure with the understanding that their jobs, though complete in the series, were continuing. Congratulations and thank you for your work.
laura louzek
big fan…we are always quoting the West Wing…is there anyway we can see that in reruns….please please please can’t wait to the new Steve Jobs movie …..laura
Jospeh L Vitagliano
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
While I’ve enjoyed the work of yours that I have seen, only after reading an interview published in the Sunday NY Times did I appreciate that you are also a thinking man. My compliments.
I don’t post on social media so am only able to express myself this way. Recently, however, I made an exception and posted in support of a filmmaker who was publicizing a documentary he recently completed.
Matt Terra
please contact me for your next great writing project. Real life, no lies but major controversy.
I don’t know anything about your other work..sorry, but the Newsroom is fantastic… you wrote the lines. Your not a Republican, your a Liberal.. The Republican Party and the Southern Baptist Church are now all hard Right Wingers.. really sad. It will end in war, with somebody.
Anyway.. i have enjoyed watching your truths and wish others would listen.. but they seem to be brain dead or brain washed.. but not to worry their Jesus will come and save them all…lol
Take care…
Rich Shenson
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
My dad produced A HARD DAY’S NIGHT and, had he not passed, would have loved hearing the reference in STEVE JOBS.
Thank you from all of us Shensons.
Rich Shenson
Paul Charles
I am not brave, not courageous, confident or possibly talented. However I have begun writing- the reason?
Thank you Aaron .
How about Ken Richie for your third technology innovation genuis? Without Ken, modern computing wouldn’t exist – no Internet, no Apple or Windows computers, No Android phones. In other words, no modern technology.
I can’t express how much West Wing has impacted me. The cast, writing and endless ideas in storytelling were all impeccable. We will miss Leo and Lord Marbury. There legacy will live on for years to come.
I also wanted you to know I feel empowered and inspired after watching an episode. Although I am a Republican, I still found myself watching and rooting for the ideals and sense of duty that brought the characters to live. I am binging on Netflix and find myself once again enthralled in the story. Thanks for this gift. God Bless.
What is Mr. Sorkin’s next project? I only recently started watching The Newsroom and it is fantastic! I was extreamly disappointed in hearing that it is now off the air. Does anyone know if there is the potential for it to come back on the air in the future? Perhaps on Netflix’s? I have been waiting for a show that compares to West Wing and this is the best show I have seen since the West Wing went off the air.
Adelaide Pyslarou
I watched an interview. Before I had no idea who he was, of course, I’ve heard of the plays and seen the movies. But I had never looked into the writer behind it. After watching said interview, I discovered how humble and smart this man is. It’s remarkable to me.
I think Jeff Daniels monologue that you wrote in the Newsroom pilot should be required viewing in every classroom from the 6th grade on. It is absolutely the most accurate, eye opening, and relevant piece of literature in my time. I have a 12 year old son, and we watch it every 6 months, and he gets, a little more each time. Thank you.
Why is The West Wing not in more syndication? Bones, supernatural, charmed?????
But I can’t find The West Wing??
In season 3 episode 15 of The West Wing the President tells Sam he will run for president one day. Any chance of a West Wing sequel with Sam running to be president? It seems like a given Josh would be his chief of staff. Maybe some of the other regulars could come back as well.
Alexander Sirotkin
How to buy 5 min of Mr. Sorkin ?
His 5 minutes won’t be wasted
“Time is at list as powerful as god”
– i
This is just another gushy, I really love what you do note. West Wing, great, but the Newsroom, to me, was fantastic. It made me laugh and cry. It broke my heart when it ended. Telling the story is what’s important, and you, Sir, are one of the best story tellers in the history of the world. I wish all good things for you and yours.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Rick Robinson
Steve Jobs created and delivered the future we live in today. THEN he made a stone dead company into the most successful in the world in a few years time. He did these things with, and largely due to, a fundamental value system that most people apparently cannot fathom, including, clearly, Aaron Sorkin, who decided that a daytime soap opera, in style and substance both, would make the most salient biography for Steve before a world audience. How could George Lucas be the same guy who made the first two Star Wars movies and then the unmitigated trash that the rest of them were? How could Jackson have made the first LOTR movie and then the pathetic, revolting Hobbit films? And how could the incredible artist who made The West Wing and Charlie Wilson’s War turn around and make this complete waste of time? I mean, it isn’t as if he’s a soulless, clueless, company doggie like J.J. Abrams, intrepidly turning the greatest creative dreams of our age into nauseating commercials. Is it? God help this stupid, stupid country.
I’m sure he’s a busy man but I have an urgent question for Mr. Sorkin… Who do you endorse for POTUS, if such a candidate exists?
Jeffrey Newman
Dear Aaron, I don’t wish to lay the world’s woes on you but that is exactly what I am going to do. The fact is that things are falling apart-globally and in our country. And for a fleeting moment, you and your associates caught something in The Newsroom –a kind of mirror which opened our eyes and engaged changed. Will’s speech in the first episode epitomized what was right about the program. Then suddenly, when it was doing the most, it was gone. You owe the world more. Comon and make it happen.
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
Just completed re-watching all 156 episodes of the West Wing, undoubtedly the best TV dramatic series ever. Thank you for sharing your wit, intellect, and insights about our country and our world.
Mr. Sorkin, too early to keep the pen in the box. West Wing Season 8 is waiting to be written.
Dante Jaramillo
Mr. Sorkin, when you were writing the character of Pres. Bartlett, were you cribbing from the character of Senator Bernie Sanders? Because I feel like I actually have the chance to vote for Bartlett in real life now. And I couldn’t be happier!!!!
I have been re-watching The West Wing and loving it as much as I did the first time (and multiple times since). I would LOVE to see an updated version with Rob Lowe’s Sam Seaborn as the president. PLEASE CONSIDER!!!!
John Howard Swain
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I was pleased to read in the NY Times today that you are bringing “To Kill A Mockingbird” to Broadway.
We had a brief correspondence after “The Farnsworth Invention” and I sincerely wish you the best with Mockingbird. As a youth with Southern roots the book had a huge impact on me.
Break legs. Looking forward to seeing your version of the piece.
Best regards,
John Howard Swain
Mike Murphy
Still don’t think we need Newsroom?
Cause I’ve been watching the real news and I’m missing ACN pretty bad.
Bring it back dude. Please.
Kathy Stricklin
May I suggest a movie/series based on Clair Connirs book “Wrapped in the Flag”? The story is of the brutal and extrme John Birch Society and her life as daughter of a couple who helped to found the Society. It’s a top notch read and with your characterization talnts, would make a stunning presentation. Thanks
Thanks for saying the scenarios address what Mr. Sorkin’s idealized characters would do. I finally watched The Newsroom and loved it. Buying all the season’s was my 60th birthday present to myself. Then I read all these reviews talking about how he got it wrong, because it could never happen in an actual newsroom.
HELLO! Maybe we need to revisit the meaning of the terms “idealized” and “wish fulfillment”. Is fiction, folks. No, it would never happen, but wouldn’t it be nice if it could?
Thank you Aaron Sorkin for restoring my love for the founding principles of American democracy and all it COULD stand for. In these troubling times bereft of substantive political debate and a media that appeals to readers of People magazine you give me hope. Thank you!
Please God! Tell me you are writing. Anything. Admittedly, I selfishly gorged myself binge-watching Newsroom, but at this point, throw your fans a literary bone, but in the mean time. WRITE!
Peggy La Cerra
I’m a huge fan of your work, Mr. Sorkin – it’s intelligent and hopeful (and I’ve used it to supplant actual reality whenever necessary – which is all to often). May you write in health and with your characteristic passion for decades to come!
Bill Nuzzo
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I have been enjoying your creation, The West Wing, on Netflix. I’ve seen quite a few of the episodes. I love the sharp and often snarky repartee between the characters, but far too often I am stung by what I call the elitist grammatical error of using the word I when the dative or accusative context clearly demands the word me. I see this on TV, in movies and in books all the time. You are supposed to be a professional writer. How about learning some grammar. If I were that careless in my job as an engineer building would be falling down.
The most recent instance was in S3E17. Toby is with US Poet Laureate Tabatha Fortis and she is telling him a story. She said, “He took his son and I to go fishing in the Save River”. Now this is a poet laureate who should know prose as well as poetry. So who made the elitist mistake, the poet character or the screen writer?
Please try harder…
Bill Nuzzo
Enrico Lamet
Dear Aaron Sorkin ,
Having watched ‘The American President’ more than a dozen times and now tied down to devour all 154 West Wing’ episodes, I had this great desire to speak with you.
I am a Holocaust survivor of 85, but much younger in body and mind, who was induced to write a memorial of my mother and how we survived the Second World War under the Mussolini dictatorship.
This note would never have been written had the response of all who read my book not been greatly enthusiastic.
Perhaps reading more about me and my book A GIFT FROM THE ENEMY could touch your heart.
With all my best wishes for your continued success,
Lisa Anderson
Just adding another voice to say thank you for writing smart tv and film (and stage too!) West Wing, Studio 60, SportsNight, and the Newsroom are all some of my favorites. Nobody can write a rant as well as him and I am just wanting to add my thanks and praise to this. (so when reading the latest of the pajama people-trust me there are good and smart people out there)
Thank you!
Mr. Sorkin, what would you think about doing another West Wing? With dulee hill as the new President of the United States. Hopefully you see this. Im very sure it will work as a new show in the current market. Especially since Obama is almost out the door. It makes perfect sense to do a continuation of West Wing. The show is not a 2 term show. With proper research and development it can be brought back to life with a new Commander and Cheif! There should also be similar cast. Hope ya see this and get back to me.
George Victor
The Newsroom’s first year is a lively schoolroom, preparing one for the actual social and political events of 2016. Brilliant in its prescience – as always.
Ty Jones
HI. I would like to work with you on my movie titled Why Can’t I Keep A Man, an adult comedy drama laying out the mistakes a lot of women make in relationships in a comical way along with passing on some pointers for women.
I totally agree with you! Mr. Sorkin if you see this, i believe that you should take the idea of doing another West Wing to heart. Especially with the controversial elections going on now.
“Sam, you’re gonna run for President one day. Don’t be scared. You can do it. I believe in you. That’s checkmate.”
We need a new West Wing.
Seaborn for President ’16
D Fisher
In the finale of “The Newsroom,” what was the meaning behind the tie that Nancy Skinner gave to Don and he later gave it to Sloan? Loved the show!
I wish you would bring back the Newsroom for one more year. This current election season has so much to offer for content that the hardest decisions would be what to leave in. From the media covering every breath Mr Trump has made and asking every other candidate to comment on The Donald instead of what they stand for, and then wondering why he is the front runner? The bathroom issue in NC and Mississippi that Ted is trying to suggest happens all the time, there is no end. The most remarkable issue for me, A Canadian, is the revolution occurring in the US and the leaders of the RNC and the Democrats are ignoring this truth. The supporters of Trump, Cruz, and Sanders all hate the establishment, yet there is no attempt to make a change to the establishment. If one assumes that by adding up all of the votes for all of the candidates the total is 20 to 25 million people, 275 million people have no say in who they want to vote for or choose between. There are fewer registered republicans and democrats combined then there are independents. A fictional third party candidate who fact checks the others would win the election in the fall hands down. The series almost writes itself. Please do this. The world needs you back.
Dutch Heetbrink
“Bartlet for America” is a thing on Facebook…
I don’t know if Aaron actually receives these comments or not, but in the outside chance that he does, I have a suggestion. In Season 3, Episode 15 of The West Wing, President Bartlett is talking to Sam Seaborn and he tells Sam that someday HE will be president. Picture a NEW TV series similar to The West Wing with Rob Lowe as the president. The opening scene of every episode would show a clip of that old scene from The West Wing of that conversation between President Bartlett and Sam, just as a reminder to everyone that Sam was destined to become president. Now that Rob Lowe is older, he would be great cast as the president. If the supporting cast was even half as good as the original series, this new version could be a big hit. Television NEEDS another great show like The West Wing….instead of yet another mindless reality show. You had one with The Newsroom. It was incredible. Why that show was so short lived, I don’t understand.
David Johnson
Gotta bring back the West Wing….Favorite show of all time.
Dierdre Strass
You make me proud to be a smart woman – You are without a doubt the smartest most gifted writer in the industry. I am a former journalist that worked, for a time, for hack publishers. Now I am a freelance writer. I am in AWE of what you create – I am glad to see you are much younger than me – give me more – I crave what you produce..
Jacqueline Lameira Rosendahl
Dear Mr. Sorkin
Thank you so much for your body of work. Your combined movies and television shows were inspirational to me . I watched them all again and again when I was fighting breast cancer. I beat it. Your work inspires me to hope and action. I think we need your voice in America and everywhere.
Stumbled upon The Newroom and love it. Working through Season 3 now. I wish there were new episodes focused on this year’s election (2016). It would be fun to watch! Thank you for so many high quality movies and TV shows.
Deborah Andrew
I stumbled upon NewsRoom at my library. Last night I watched the 5th episode, Adam, and burst into tears. At 83 I long to be surrounded by such a group of committed people with a strong moral center. I was in Manhattan, in my office on 42nd St. when the first bldg of WTC was struck. I knew immediately and intuitively that this was no accident. Ultimately, for reasons I cannot explain, I became involved in a small international group attempting to prevent the attack and invasion of Iraq via the General Assembly of the UN and article 377. I came to understand the deeply flawed structure of the UN. John Bolton was the U.S. “Ambassador” – a less accurate title could not have been devised for a classic bully.
This is a round about way to arrive at a thought I would like to share: While I understand that there is a current cultural love of and imitation of the fast paced, witty dialogue you are so good at creating, as someone who already has some knowledge of the issues you raise, I wonder if those without this background can possibly grasp the significance of the revelations made. I don’t think I am far off the mark to say that the majority of our fellow citizens are either poorly, partially, or not at all well informed. This has begun to change to some degree. Given your excellent critique of the news, I wonder if it would be of value to include an afterword to each segment that gives the historic background … people may skip it, but in the best of all worlds, they will take the time to read it (maybe include references to excellent books/essays?).
I am so grateful for this series, and people like Sam Waterston who recited an early political address by Lincoln to demonstrate that the public is perfectly capable and eager to listen to speeches of substance that lst 45 minutes. Newsroom is such an important series. Unfortunately, there continues to be corruption, deception and a striking absence of quality journalism … you could continue this series indefinitely – a sad comment.
I want my grandchildren to see Newsroom in the hope that they will be inspired in the same way expressed by Amanda. Thank you for bringing us the possibility of people of integrity working together to shed light in the dark corners.
Wm. Kent
Where’s News Room when we need it ASSHOLE!!!
Edward Trentham
Please never dumb it down. You make me want to be smarter. Your writing is a contribution to evolution. Just wait and the crowd will catch up at some point, I hope. Your ahead of your time perhaps. I need more of The Newsroom in my life. Good luck.
Eleanor Trimble
I heard Aaron apologized for Newsroom. Why I was perfectly written, cast and performed. It has become a cult series for me. I have watched all 3 seasons over and over. The cast, especially Thomas Sadosky, was crazy awesome.
Adrian Roman
Aaron Sorkin’s work is, to me, unquestionably, some of the most important of our time. Aside from the purity of his brilliant writing, his message regarding societal issues and the human condition is thought-provoking, challenging and timeless. I wish people would stop calling The American President (not unlike Pretty Woman) a Romantic Comedy. They are Romantic Dramas of the best sort. Any person who is considering a career in screenwriting may wish to watch The West Wing over and over. Although this is a humbling experience, it is one worth having for the education it provides. Television is so rarely both entertaining and poignant; The West Wing elevates the medium.
james beckford
What can I say. Between West Wing and now binge watching the Newroom, I and my wife and feeling a huge withdrawal and very moist eyes. Kudos to you for writing like it is and making feel like my life as a professional educator was worth it. I will miss both shows very much.
I first came across Aaron Sorkin’s writing through watching “The American President” – only picked up on The West Wing in the last year when I bought the series. And then was persuaded to purchase the series of Newsroom. I have watched all three more than once and, despite my age (well past 80) can’t get enough of this sort of TV. I have noted the change in the use and non-use of expletives culminating in ‘Newsroom’ with all the characters using the ‘f’ word as part of their everyday conversation. Does this reflect modern life or does this promote the more frequent use of the word into modern life? There has been a great change in the portrayal of morality in relationships between the first film and the latest TV series which I presume also reflects what happens in today’s world. How sad for all the participants as they co-habit with multiple partners (one at a time, thank heavens) during a short period of time. This is no blueprint for happiness in later years. I’m old, I know it, but I still think the moral laxity in regard to sex does not bode good for the future of the world.
I watched Newsroom and I was in awe. The very first scene was powerful and I was sold.
I love the way you write and infuse humour.
I am a screen writer in Lagos, Nigeria and working up the ladder to someday work an a project with you.
marie bigger
I would like to converse with Aaron Sorkin about West Wing via email. I have watched it many times. Often I would like to congratulate him or ask him things. I am watching it now…wooden soldiers and Laurel and Hardy, just so amazing. His background is not that political, where did he get this stuff? Anyway…so inspiring. Thanks.
Ruth Miller
Saw a little something that Allison Janney would like to do more West Wing episodes and realized that in some ways she was set up for a follow-on series – CJ and Danny as a couple with CJ being Ambassador to the UN, sitting on the Security Council and becoming Chair – possibly later Asst Secty General (See Robert Muller’s First Woman of the World for a wonderful alternative Secty General), Jordie as her aide, cameos by other folks from the show, and Jimmy Smits as president… would you, could you, please?????!!! Thanks so much for all the brilliant work thus far!!!
Please bring back the newsroom. It’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. So much so that I am here writing you personally. It’s brilliant and exactly the kind of show Americans should be watching. It’s challenging and makes you think. Thank you!
Mr. Sorkin…
I was so upset about the current elections I decided to go back and watch WEST WING (all 156?) Episodes again. I realized I had stopped watching it when you stopped writing it! Anyway…I was surprised how melencoly I was when it was over…and realized I NEEDED to see more AARON SORKIN work…but…I’ve seen EVERYTHING! So once again (yes with Netflix, Amazon, HBO ect) I’m rewatching NEWSROOM! Please tell me you are working on something new!?
I do have an idea for you…something that could actually SAVE LIVES!
PLEASE watch the older documentary UNDER OUR SKIN. It’s about the unbelievable cover up of LYME DISEASE! I keep reading researchers from the 80’s who initially researched AIDS…SAME BS is happening with Chronic LYME DISEASE. ..thanks to the CDC and Big Pharma.
I’m not a blow hard…I was a workaholic executive who now spends the majority of my days in bed. You see the Lyme has attacked my heart. Sucks…but that’s why I need GOOD TV/MOVIES like yours to watch…ha.
I appreciate your time…its soo important that a cure is able to be found before myself…(numerous kids that have this) die. We need a strong voice as we are too sick to fight anymore….thank you,
Biggest fan…
Patty A Sanchez
Please write Hillary some speeches. We need some bite..
Garnett Craig
I would love to see a reboot of Sports Night. I love the show back then, and I recently watched the series all the way thru again.
It was a great show and far ahead of it’s time. I hope it’s true that you are considering it.
Newsroom was the best ever, ready for the next project
Kathy Padgett
I am in season 3 of West Wing on Netflix and I find it’s uncanny that the events of 2000-2003 are so applicable to today and yet you wrote these scripts over 12 years ago. Nothing has changed! Same problems with no results. Btw, why does President Bartlet put on his suit jacket such an unusual way?
Bruce Earnhart
Please consider a new series with Sam in the Oval Office, as Bartlett predicted. Possibly Josh and Charlie involved. New cast, old friends in cameos. Twist: Sam ran as independent. Backstory there. Just watched series, again. Great stuff. “What’s next?”
Bruce Earnhart
Please consider a new series with Sam in the Oval Office, as Bartlett predicted. Possibly Josh and Charlie involved. New cast, old friends in cameos. Twist: Sam ran as independent. Backstory there. Just watched series, again. Great stuff. “What’s next?”
Bobby Gladd
Just finished Season One of “The Newsroom.” Yikes. Wonderful.
I can’t wait to take your Master Class!! I have all of these wonderful ideas for screenplays and know that if I am taught by the best my screenplays will reach new heights. I can’t wait!
Jon Schmidt
I realize this is nutty but what the heck….would love to see a new west wing emerge with sam seaborn as president….josh his chief of staff….maybe the first lady could be Mallory….i think it would be great tv….i know would be difficult to get rob lowe and bradley but worth a try….im positive plots would be interesting and the play off the original would be unique…..thanks for reading this
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I have thoroughly enjoyed most all of your work. You have created a style all your own that has kept me glued to each episode or movie. The characters you’ve created are a tribute to the society I am proud to be a part of, and I thank you for providing such great entertainment for us all. I’m anxious to know what’s next?
Benjamin Perri
Sports night and studio 60 were sheer genius. Thank you for what you dreamed.
Mr sorkin would you consider another west wing series in this time? I’m 45 years old and a very fan of your work
Where are you Aaron? The Donald, Bernie, Hillary, and now Mike Pence (sp)? So much material for a The Newsroom season. Where are you Aaron Sorkin? America needs you
Gene Farris
Thank you for your ideas, your writing, and your shows! I love your style of ‘walk and talk’. I have been a long time fan. Please disregard your haters. I can say, without a doubt, that your writing has made me grow as a person. Not only has it made me laugh out loud at times; it has made me look deep inside myself, reflect on serious issues, and adopt a more mature point of view. If you don’t hear it much, thank you so much for your hard work. Keep it up!
Anna Farish
Albeit late in life I am finally getting around to watching The West Wing. It has blown my husband and I away – the wit, dark pathos and snarky sass delivered by terrific actors is superb. To be honest I would not have appreciated this when my kids were young and ever interrupting TV programmes so now is just perfect timing.
Mr Sorkin, you are a very clever astute observer of American politics, I applaud you and thank you for making my evenings more interesting.
Holly Patterson
Can you PLEASE bring back The Newsroom!
I after the republican convention – I went back to the first episode and remind myself about how we USED to be great.
We need the idealism !!!!
Travis Kephart
It’s funny how so many people seem to think the newsroom was your least interesting project when I happen to think that show was one of the best I’ve ever seen. The thing is, I haven’t watched your other shows, so maybe that is one reason why I feel so differently from others. I think the relationship between will and Mackenzie is so real and heartwarming and honest and beautiful. Your characters feel very real and it’s inspiring to see characters that love their craft so much that they demand only the highest quality of news from themselves and others around them (a work ethic that rubs off on the other news team). I appreciate the details of the production that you focus on a lot too, i always love when a contextual show is done so well, that you learn about the process that goes into the topic of the show. All in all, I believe that the newsroom is a fantastic show and I think it will be hailed as one in the future too. It usually takes critical people more time to understand specific beauty. P.s I never really made this point but it’s very important. I truly believe MacK and Will’s romantic storyline is one of the best relationship storylines on television ever. Jeff Daniels is definitely one of the best actors in general, especially when you think about the personality and character that he can bring to a show. I can’t stop thinking of great things about this show, so I hope you don’t hate it because it wasn’t widely enjoyed by the press. You created gold but the fools just can’t see it yet.
Architectural Digest India
I am writing on behalf of Architectural Digest India. We are currently doing a story on set design and would love to cover the set of West Wing. Would it be possible to send to the above email id pictures or stills of the set of West Wing like the Oval Office, the personal quarters, the Air Force One Room and a few others.
The help will greatly be appreciated.
Thank you,
Warm regards
Jehana Antia
Architectural Digest India
Condé Nast India Pvt. Ltd.
3rd Floor, Dubash House, 15 J.N. Heredia Marg,
Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400001.
Tel: +91 22 66009000 Direct: +91 22 66009303
marian modrak
You have saved my sanity during this noxious Presidential campaign starring he who shall not be named. I started with West Wing, then continued with The Newsroom (whyohwhydiditgoaway) . You are the Jimi Hendrix of screenwriters-no one can replace you. Now I will do your movies. Please keep writing.
Vladimir Orsag
Hi Aaron,
I have something for you and I believe it would shock you. A detail, which I mentioned in my historical novel shall be revealed in England in 2045. I honestly believe it is our obligation and duty to tell the world about it during our lifetime. T.Y.
Just watched the Hartsfield’s Landing episode of WW where Bartlett tells Sam he will be president one day. Now that The Grinder is over, wouldn’t this make a great new show?
Thank you – thank you for your work and inspiration.
Tony Mussorfiti
Mr Sorkin, My family and I are addicted to The West Wing. At least once a year we re-watch all seven seasons and compare it to what is going on in Washington today. We would like very much to see its return, maybe with Sam or Charlie as POTUS. Thank you for such an entertaining and informative program.
Tony Mussorfiti
Chloe Jeffreys
I highly doubt Aaron Sorvino actually reads comments from this site, but if the person who actually does could find time to let him know that I’ve finally had time to sit down and binge watch The Newsroom. In light of Donald Trump’s incredible rise to power, I find this show, at least the first season, which is all I’ve watched so far, as all but prophetic.
The hostile takeover of the Republican Party, and maybe even Sorkin’s documentation of how we got here, will make the history books. That’s if we don’t end up with a crazy dictator who destroys the world first.
Donald Trump has taken the Republican Party to its logical conclusion. Is this what the Koch oligarchs had in mind all along, or have they lost control of the monster they created?
Chloe Jeffreys
Damn autocorrect! I did mean to write Aaron Sorkin!
I’m a big fan of The West Wing. In episode 12, president Bartlett is given a latin translation of the us constitution. Was this a real book or just a plot device.
Lee C. Brigman
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I have been listening to your lectures for a couple of weeks now. and I have found them very informative. I am writing a period piece now,(a western, dontcha-know). I have been away from the industry for over forty years now, (my GOD, am I old!). I would like to get a staff writer job. Thank you for your work.
Lee C. Brigman
Matt Pinard
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I too served in the Army JAG Corps in the mid/late 90’s and was a huge fan of A Few Good Men. I used to intern as a writer for Jeff Daniels. I’m wondering if you can give me advice on how to get my script better exposure considering the current closed environment of studios to new writers. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Matt Pinard
Jim Simson
Mr. Sorkin,
I just watched again, ‘Night Five’ of The West Wing season 3. The scene where Ainsley speaks about her take on comments about het beauty, the scene where Toby says ‘they’ll like us when we win, and the scene where Stankey says ‘I’ll be the only person outside your family who doesn’t care that you are the president” are three scenes that are pure magic. The West Wing is a long time ago but it remains a treasure.
Hey I just wanted to write you and tell you that I’m writing a script and I want to make it into a hour TV show It’s not done yet but I would like for you to read it if you would like or have someone read it as well I can send it to you if you want when it is done thinks for your time.
Hi Aaron,
You need to bring back West Wing! With Sam entering Congrass you can pick up from there. Sam, now a Senator, is convinced to run by Josh. Josh becomes his Chief of Staff. Bring back the other characters in some form, definitely involving CJ and Toby. To by will be more difficult because of how his character ended in the series. It would be a hit! The only reasons why ratings fell short when the show ended was because many episodes were repeats and also the public was not yet ready to see the characters everyone fell in love with leave. That show, especially in today’s political disgustingness, would shed some hope and light on what goebernme t can be. Oh, and a cameos by President Barlet definitely would not hurt!!!! Just saying…you would have a hit. One this country definitely needs right now.
Joyce Velasco
The Newsroom is the best television drama I have ever watched. Mr. Sorkin is so gifted in writing dialog; it never sounds stilted or rehersed. I was truly disappointed when the program ended after three seasons, and I have watched every episode several times. I can’t help but imagine what Will McAvoy would have done with our current political predicament.
I think you should continue the saga of the west wing so we can see what happens next. The west wing is and will always be one of my favorite shows.
It would be awesome to reunite newsroom to cover trump and Hillary in an a John Oliver thing
paul lorenz
Aaron we need something new from you. What do you have in the works?
I am in love with the Newsroom. It light of this awful election year, the first episode was momentous. I’m watching the whole series for the 3rd time! Brilliant writing and acting filling me always with emotion, thought, and laughter! Thanks Aaron!
I have watched everything you have written.
You are extraordinary. So am I though. I just haven;t written any prime time TV shows. I do wish you could have kept up the pace with The Newsroom but in my profession I also understand burnout and exhaustion. You deserve a break today.
I have loved and will continue to watch all that you have written.
You are an angel.
Thanks for all you and have done.
Stacy Peterson
Alex Ivanovici
I am creating a documentary play about the health of American democracy called Tuesday, After the First Monday in November. We are a Canadian company and we have hired Americans to interview their fellow citizen asking a specific set of questions. We have collected hundreds of interviews so far. I was wondering if I could interview Aaron on the role of the artist in a democracy. A long shot for a very busy man, but no guts, no glory.
The first 9 minutes of The Newsroom were so in line with our projects essence that I thought I would pursue a connection. Furthermore, if interviewing people is of interest, he would be welcome to join our team. 😉
Alex Ivanovici
Dear Mr Sorkin,
I hope you are quite well. I’m Sheikh Jallow and I’m an international student from Iowa State University. I hope that is not a deal breaker since that is no Ivy League School. Well, Mr Sorkin, I have watched almost all your files and read your scripts too. I liked them! No, I loved them! By now, you are thinking “well here goes another obsessed fan.” At one point in my life, you could have said that and I would agree. Due to your creative and original style, I dreamt to be a writer. I am an African so I learnt and studied English; exercised my writing so that I can articulate my words with rhythm bearing a unique originality that would echo through the history of film/art. Here I am, still dreaming knowing very well that the American dream died, like you implied in the Newsroom. I hope you read this. If my work is not getting to producers, atleast let this be read by you.
Film* ( I don’t know why I still care)
Please, please, do one more season of The Newsroom based on this years presidential campaign… with that much material it could only be fantastic!!
Charlotte stratton
Isn’t it time for Sam to run for president?
I love what you write because I see it as truth. You have accurately described the politics of the Republican part during the Obama administration. I wish I could see how you would handle the mess we are in today.
Love love love your work. More TV dramas, please!!!!!
West Wing was so inspiring during tough times of the Bush Administration. For the now possible Trump Administration we do need a West Wing II!
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
Please pick your pen up again and help us through the next 4 years. We need your honesty and humor. I have always loved your eloquent and truthful way you hold a mirror up to we, the people, and the times. Help us laugh and examine ourselves while giving hope that we can not only survive the next 4 years, we can transcend.
Vicki Rounds
Mary Anne Connelly
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
It’s the day after the election and, for reasons that amaze, confound, and depress me, America has decided to send Donald Trump to the White House. Wanted to let you know that I’m taking some small measure of comfort from watching my “West Wing” DVD’s. You did such good work on them and it seemed like a good time to thank you.
All the Best, Mary Anne C.
This guy is the problem with the world
You ego driven half wit
Thinking your the only one that maters in this world.
I feel sorry for your poor daughter with a moron like you for a father.
Building a false world for her because you are a boy girl .
With your mental health issues and vanity fair… Fucken vanity alright you tosser.
If we didn’t have facebook, twit and your massive ego.
Thank the lord we wouldn’t even know you exist you fuck wit
I don’t know you, or if you wrote that letter to your daughter after Trump that is circulating Facebook.
But if you did, thank you.
It’s a good message.
George Cook
Read letter. Understand… but… the map really tells the story; the middle of the country vs. the coasts.
Trump’s persona is akin to the demagogues of the thirties. That is what we have to mitigate. How?
I fear the rise of another drug epidemic. I want to stop that.
Donald Trump
Hey, Arrogant Aaron,
maybe pen a letter to your daughter about your drug use! That might serve her better, you narrow minded asshole. Better yet, go find some really good or bad heroine and do the world a favor, overdose on the stuff. It’s your kind or should I saw “you people” that have runied this country. By the way, growing up with everthing handed to you, wealthy Scarsdale asshole, does not could as a struggle. Arrogant Asshole Aaron. Drop dead!
Mark Gold
Mr Sorkin,
You’ll probably never see this, but I just wanted to send my heartfelt thanks, for your Vanity Fair article to your daughter..I woke up to my tearful daughter Wed morning and did not have the words I regretted not having that moment..Your craft and wisdom have brought hope and comfort to my family at a critical time. Our situations are fairly similar, from the tribe in NY, my father fought in WW2, and we’re fortunate enough to know that our fight will be ultimately be our own, but for now, the less fortunate..I’ll forever be in your dept for your timely letter…Thank You!
Jeff Traister
Thank you for writing the letter published in Vanity Fair regarding Trump. As a married Jewish father of two girls and one boy, I am extremely bothered by the results. I have wondered what I can do and your letter not only made me realize I am far from alone but put into words ways in which we can constructively fight against the foulness that has been allowed to come into the light.
What is wrong with you? You act like the world has come to an end! You are just another liberal elitist who is crying in their corn flakes over this election results! Shut the hell up and take it like a man, that is f you can put on your big boy pants and be a man!
Obama has almost destroyed this country with his blaten disregard for our constitution and what is represents!!! His agenda was to bring this country to its knees and he has done a damn good job doing just that! Hillary would have been an extension of his terror! She is a liar, a thief, basically, a redneck with money that she stole! You want to idolize that sort of human being! What morals and values must you have?? !!! None, apparently!
What is wrong with balancing the budget, bringing jobs back to this country, repealing the disasterous Obama Care, which Hillary actually started! You like the idea of handing over millions of dollars that you have made to a bunch of unappreciative, lazy, entitlement bumbs? What is wrong with people entering this courtry legally?
What a cry baby you are! I wasn’t happy about Obama getting elected, but I delt with it. You know nothing about me or my family and the struggles I have had in life Mr. Elitist! I never expected anyone to hand me a damn thing! I over came my challenges and without assistance from a government that is supposed to work for the people! You have forgotten that haven’t you? What an absolute loser you are! If you are so unhappy with the election results, then take you family and get the Hell out of here!
Bill Durango
Aaron, I read your letter to your daughter and other things you have written. I must say that you are teaching her the wrong thing. Someone had to lose in this election, and you are teaching her that she should not accept the decision of the American people and totally disregard those who voted for Trump. We are Americans too, and we want the best for our nation and every citizen here. Give Trump a chance and help the healing by writing something hopeful and positive about our future. You have a lot of people who you can influence for either peace or violence. Please make the right decision. Thanks and peace to you and yours.
Self righteous much?
Stick to writing your shit shows and let the SMART people (TRUMP) Wharton Business School graduate run our country. Go back to your drugs , your drink, and your SHALLOW Hollywood life. And BTW, guide your daughters in private NOTBON PUBLIC DISPLAY YOU JERK OFF!
johnny lam
I have read the message to your family from cnn.com. I totally agreed with you.. im strong democrats voters. the entire election stolen from Clinton under the nation . I believe it was total rigged from trump party. first Russian hack into Clinton server, second wikileak pass information everyday to destroy Clinton potential voter every time Trump is down by the poll. Finally dagger stabbed into Clinton election is the FBI and FBI did the same thing too. However, I have remedy for this election is try to convince the public and high profile people to write a letter to Katie Johnson and other under age girl about their rape case when she was only 13 years old. This case is very important to fight this tyrant before his team can do more harm and future of this nation is depend on your out spoken. you are our only hope to defend him and take our nation back from radical people from his party and himself. We minority need your help. I m former us navy military. Trump is not my president. we need to ask trump for his income tax. he told American he will release tax income after election is over. it is time for his to keep his promise. please respond me back.. we are waiting for your decision.
erik malecka
dear aaron.. I am a Syracuse grad class of 85… I played football there 81-82,,, my summertime job I was a dockboy at the Montauk yacht club.. it was the best summer job any college could have… I am going to start a book and screen play on my crazy time out there,,,, there is so much good material that I would love to talk to you about anytime you are free,,, dinner anywhere in NYC… my cell is 203 253 3715… I hope this might be possible… I really think the whole story is a winner…. its got everything… all the best..
what a piece of garbage Aaron Sorkin is – clueless, useless human being.
Thank you for sharing your letter to your ex and daughter. I pray for the children, their mothers, and the country we share.
A Proud American
Enjoy Venezuela you smug, liberal, elitist, Asshole. The reason we have a mysonogist pig for a president is because you and your corrupt, cheating, criminal, severely flawed candidate couldn’t deliver.
Why don’t you, your family and the rest of your kind put your big boy pants on the deal with it. If you can’t- leave!
Amin Ismail
Dear Aaron,
I read your letter to your daughters and had to forward it to a lot of people I know. It reflected my feelings about the election and you expressed it articulately in your letter. What surprised me more about the outcome was that well educated people and intellectuals were convinced that Trump was the lesser of the two evils. Only a severe case of misinformation could lead to that conclusion. How can such people believe what they hear or read on “social media” without questioning it or verifying facts? Unbelievable! Thanks Aaron for getting your point across. Hopefully a lot of people like me will read your letter and feel a bit consoled about our future. Best Regards, Amin Ismail, Orlando, FL
Real American
An Open letter to Aaron Sorkin.
Dear Aaron,
Suck my big fat dick.
American Patriot
You are reprehensible. We, the people have spoken. Live with it. Or perhaps you should consider putting your money where your filthy mouth is, renounce your citizenship and leave.
I was wading through my Apple TV purchases last night and landed on Newsroom. During the opening episode, I was amazed by the monologue about “Why America Is The Greatest country in the world.
The next key moment, for me, was the E.P. railing about rebuilding the 4th estate. In spite of the flaws the critics had with the show vs reality, your script got it right — foretelling our current state of affairs.
I wonder if you think the 4th estate can be rebuilt and if 5% can make a difference? It seems to me that the 4th estate played right into the hands of the president elect and there seems to be almost no one following Mac’s “3-I’s” and the “A”
Thanks in advance.
The west wing got us through so much in some of the most difficult times. This is the time when we need a new west wing! As the reality is so wretched, our young people could see what it SHOULD be. If we had a show to come home to and believe in, we may be able to remember light. and it could show the differences between what we will inevitably see on the news from our gross president and the show you can create with our amazing. female leader. Tiny T could never live up to your beautiful writing and inspired work.
Thank you for that letter to your girls. I was so happy to read it.
I read his letter to his daughter. That comes from a man whose proffesion is one giant casting couch…..hypocrite
Since the election I have watched Newsroom all over again. Please bring it back. The people need to be reminded. At least for better or worse all can be reminded.
Carmen Leon
You need not fear Aaron Sorkin. I am a female and Puerto Rican. What you should fear is the growing strength of those who are anti-Semitic and haters of Jews. Soon they will be very much against you and other Jews in Hollywood, as we’ve seen the haters grow in numbers in universities and the public arena. We Evangelicals have been taught in our churches to bless not curse Jews and ardently support Israel. Trump is not perhaps what we wanted, but a choice of socialists/communists in power is not what we wanted either. You will see Israel blessed like never before and I heard exciting news that Trump will finally declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, a law signed by the U.S. many years ago, but which every president failed to implement. Give him a chance as we are doing.
Debbie bevans
I am part of the baby boomer generation, and I am willing to bet that other people like myself do not know about change.org. The election is not over until December 19, 2016, please, please promote and get the word out..
Deborah Corber
Mr. Sorkin. As a Canadian middle aged woman, lawyer, community leader and mother of a young woman, I was deeply touched by your letter to your daughter this week. And then I thought, wow – do I have a project for Aaron Sorkin! His next project must be a sequel (I know, they usually disappoint, but no matter) to West Wing – this time with a woman president. Perhaps, as it has so often throughout human history, it is time for fiction to inspire reality? Do give it some thought. It could be the greatest thing you ever do for your daughter…and the rest of humanity.
Edward Neethling
Aaron, I am deeply shocked at your open letter to your daughter. Who or what gives you the right to be judge, jury and executioner to Donald Trump. You have not give him the time of day to prove himself as President.
What are you teaching your daughter? If you don’t like someone then publish an open letter and smear someone’s name in the dirt because if your personal opinion. As much as you don’t like Trump, there are, and will be, many that do not like you. Their reasons are not made public like you have done. As s grown man, and public figure, I would have thought that you would have handled the situation much better.
So you support Hillary, good for you. She committed crimes in her position, criminal offenses, yet you still support her. You don’t write a letter to your daughter telling her how Hillary has placed so many people in grave danger because of her carelessness do you?
Shane on you for writing the letter and shame on you for not giving Donald Trump a chance to prove himself and shame on you for showing your daughter how you handle things
Aaron, you as a screenwriter should know that the KKK was created by Democrats to fight the Republicans and to go after the blacks at that time and hang them. Why do you have a right to incite violence?
Your part of the problem you elitist jackass. Why don’t you leave the country like the rest of your Hollywood elitist asshole.
I absolutely LOVE your stuff – quite addicted to it – intelligent writing, and assuming there are intelligent life forms in your viewing audience. WHY oh WHY was The Newsroom cut so short after only 3 seasons??? It was Brilliant!!!!
I read your letter to your daughter…my father fought in WWII, he came home with a purple heart and a bronze star…a war hero..and a hero in his family’s eyes, and in the nations’ eyes. He received his bronze star for bravery, not for saving one of his own, but for saving a small village in France from being blown up. He didn’t think of his own safety, he thought of the safety of people in general…no thought of hatred, but thoughts of saving lives, lives of people he didn’t know, and would never know…your downcast, non vision, and hateful attitude towards the new leader of our country, yes your country, is the difference between men like my father and those he fought with and you…there will be no greater generation. That was a generation of freedom loving, American patriots…I wish your daughter had heard the “day after the election” speech from my father. She would have been inspired that democracy was alive and well in the USA.
Wes Palmer
I will buy Sorkin and his family a ticket to the country of their choice as long as they promise never to return to the United States of America.
Emily PL
Have you ever read Don Quixote?
Charles Kimball
Your critical voice, your piercing eye, your optimism is needed now more than ever. Democracy needs a voice, yours!
I sincerely appreciate your work. Currently rewatching The West Wing, and I’m inspired. I think in this dark time in U.S. History we need vision like this again. I would be very pleased to see your work grace the screen again. Just read your letter to your daughters and feel like you see this situation for the truth. Hope you will create something that the world needs to see again.
Lynne Johnson
I am currently re-watching the West Wing – the block of cheese scenes with the cartographers remains my all time favourite of anything I’ve ever seen, on TV or in real life.
Erik Christiansen
So, how do I get to meet him?
maria olascoaga
What do I do not that the election is over. I am 50 old. I have a job (doesn’t pay great in education) and I have health care. What do I do now that people who need a better hourly wage and health care just voted (AGAIN) against there own best interests! Honestly I don’t know how to go forward for the next 4 years. (I hate nate silver) I ask you bcuz I enjoy the newsroom and your op ed. Please give your opinion. Mo
Gregory Grimwood
An open letter to Aaron Sorkin:
Gilmore Girls is breaking Netflix. See how they did that? Remember that little show you did called West Wing? Hop to it, we’re all waiting.
Stephen Fritz
Just seen the Steve Jobs movie on HBO go. I have to admit when I first heard about it I thought it was going to be just a money grab a joke. I felt that Ashton Kutscher did a great job on the first movie ended encapsulated everything needing to be told.
I was mistaking your motives. The movie that I saw last night based on Steve Jobs was profoundly heart wrenching and beautifully written. I went from loving the man to hating the man to crying like a little baby at the end and loving him even more. You did a excellent job thank you very much.
brian barbour
dear Aaron. your letter to your daughter post trump win needs some revisions to the economic doom and gloom section. The dow in anticipation of the first president that is an actual success is now up into record territory. Could you re-write that particular section to reflect reality? OR do you know what that is in you insular situation of fantastic story telling?
Like John, I would like to communicate directly with Mr. Sorkin. So far, this is the best option I have found. Hopefully, Mr. Sorkin will be moved the message, and perhaps it will inspire some other visitors to this site to join my request.
During the run of The West Wing, I considered President Bartlett a more authentic presidential figure than our actual president. I am not exaggerating to say that The West Wing helped me to make it through those years. It reminded me that my own cirlcle of friends and family weren’t the only people who dreamed of a more progressive president. I even gave up my plans to move to Canada! (That’s a joke, but there’s more than a hint of truth in there, too).
I had heard that the story arc for Sam Seaborn was that he would eventually become president himself. I don’t know if there were actual plans to create a show around his time in office, but I hope there is one now.
I suspect that our president-elect will leave many of us feeling much as we did during the original show. President Seaborn might be just the right counterbalance to our next president.
If you agree, please take a moment to say so. Perhaps we can convince Mr. Sorkin that a sequel to The West Wing is needed now more than ever!
Gary Cole
I couldn’t get enough of The West Wing. I think it should be required viewing for anyone interested in politics. Yes, it was preachy and left leaning, but I think it was pretty much on the mark every time, not to mention sharp and witty. The biggest problem is that I’m sure only lefties liked it–they were preaching to the choir if you will. There’s really no way to avoid that. My only issue was that the dialogue was written as if the same person was speaking from all of the main characters’ mouths. Aaron may have done well to hire more script writers, at least for the dialogue. Nobody’s perfect. He’s still a young man; I think we’ll see him back on TV before he’s through.
jeanne pincha-tulley
In season 3, episode 19, you pulled of an amazing insight to the needs, expectations an realities of the West Wing. It only takes on person to start a movement. you could do something now to help inform people on what it is we expect of the White House, Congress and our government in general.
Thanks for what you have done
Brian Barbour
Mr. Working,,,your post Trump win letter to your daughter explaining how we will have to make do with lowered expectations will be re written soon. Don’t bother listing for me the obvious character flaws of DT…I get it. As for the last 8 CEO’s…100 times the flaws plus 50 times the ability to disguise.
Love his work. I am wondering if he is currently working on any projects? If he ever wanted to do something on small local governments I have a ton of material.
Douglas Marshall
Mr. Sorkin, this is an email I wrote recently to my sister: “Ok, it’s time for Sorkin to write a new show, perhaps called “The Party”. It would be about trying to reconstitute the Democratic Party. It would be a clear continuation of Newsroom. It includes someone playing Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, among others. Maybe it leads to the rise of a better third party, or a real transformation of the Dems. It discusses issues from West Wing, Newsroom, and the Trump pre- and post-inauguration world.” I sincerely hope Don Quixote continues his quest (on his horse, not donkey). Re-watching Newsroom episodes is like comfort food for me in these “times”.
Joe Sireno
Mr. Sorkin,
We must do something. We must take focused and effective action. I’ve spent my professional life producing corporate events, writing speeches and brokering understanding and helping leaders to formalize and issue calls to action. But you have a command of the language, connections to power and an in depth understanding of the consequences of our most recent election. What can we do… How can I help. Can you even see a light at the end of this path?
Michael John Moynihan
Is your letter to your daughter concerning the election of Donald Trump online anywhere that it could easily be shared on Facebook. My Mackbook pro is broken so all I have to use is my old iPad 2. I am a retired playwright, theatre director and the cofounder of the Milwaukee Public Theatre. I am a great admirer of your tv and film work.
While I love your writing, I can understand how the “right” see it as “over the top”!
Nevertheless, what I most appreciate (aside from all those things “left” that a true Canadian can appreciate!), is your the dialogue (evident so clearly in “A Few Good Men” and both “The West Wing” and “The Newsroom”. As an “old \Man” aspiring to write someday – how do you pull it off in writing? (I suspect the actors have much to do with it, but the kernel has to come from you!). Cheers, You and our Mr. Yost are the best thing going on television.
Bivas Das
“Sam, you’re gonna run for president one day. Don’t be scared. You can do it. I believe in you.”
If it’s not too much trouble…
Kristifer Dillehay
I have introduced my 14 yr old daughter to the show, and have loved reliving it all with her. I am forever surprised with how timely the episode subjects remain. Obviously many of the problems plaguing the presidency back then have still not been sorted out. I would love to see an extension of the west wing with young Charlie Young growing into the presidency after a trump-like predecessor. I feel this contrast could help guide the country of how a president SHOULD behave during the Trump presidency. This would be so entertaining, and a wonderful benchmark with which to hold Trump.
Dear Aaron,
I almost succeeded in not seeing any of the inauguration this morning, but when I finally went into the break room at work, there was one last scene still playing. Watching the Obama’s fly away today from the White House sank me so low, I didn’t know where to go. During the Bush administration, I lived in West Wing world and just ignored it as much as possible. I can do that again, but…. I thought I’d ask. Are you or anyone you know of your “ilk” doing anything I could be involved in to lessen the blow? I’ve signed petitions, etc. I can hide again for 4 years and pretend it doesn’t exist, but if there was a real “thinking” leader I could support to make things better, well… I just thought I’d ask. Thanks for all that you do for us in your work to lift our spirits and level of intellect.
Paul Aneshansel
Sir,I know you don’t know me but please this country needs your talent now more than ever. People need different ways to learn, to grow. Newsroom was your way to speak to the world. And the world needs it back! I beg you to use your talent and get people talking again. You have the power to make a difference. If I can help I am here.
Hey Aaron do people know that you are a liar and a cheat? you abuse cast and crew on set not to mention you lie to get what you want and if someone complains you get them kicked off set cause you are a coward and generally a piece of crap!!!!!! Oh and does your wife know that you try and pick up female background with promises of upgrades you A HO**!!!!!!
Doug B.
I apologize that this is pretty late getting to you. I guess current political events have caused me to reflect on where I’ve found hope. I want to thank you for your work with the “The West Wing” . I tried to watch each Wednesday night as the Bartlet administration tried to right the wrongs of the world, as well as the USA. I have the CD set and watch episodes often. To me the cast, crew, and writing were/are inspirational and hopeful of what the USA stands for and should be. It is my favorite TV series. I just recently found out that you wrote “A Few Good Men” and “The American President” both VCR’s get a lot of use in my home, they too reflect an American that, at least today, have disappeared. I realize that it would probably be easier to catch lightning in a bottle then to recreate the hope, passion, and ideals that you were able to with “The West Wing”. Would a network buy into another West Wing type of series with you at the helm? I could only hope so. Thank You for your inspirational work towards the American dream.
You have to bring News Night back to address the new Trump administration. If not a season, a mini series. I think you could do more for this country then has ever been done with a show. I worked in the industry but never got to work on anything with any social importance. Rock On…
Tony Smith
I was privileged to read the letter to your your family following the Inauguration of Donald Trump to the position of President of the United States. Up to now I was so saddened by this (under) development that I was unable to express them in words.. Your letter covers everything I have felt in my heart since the result of the election was announced. I agree that all true Americans must start working hard now to provide a candidate for the next US ElectIon to defeat Trump. My only regret is that I am unable to vote as I am a ‘Brit’. Decent Americans are not alone in the world at this dark time. in their history.
Hi Aaron, I don’t know if you will see this, but I have been taking your masterclass. I just wanted to thank you for being so open and honest. I always admire people more when they are humble and you never once give a feeling like your way is only way and your are so smart etc… This to me is a true sign of a great person. I have learned so much from watching you and just wanted to let you know that your really doing great positive work!
Kelly Burton
Like the the beautiful letter you wrote to your daughters, it is time you wrote one to the ignorant of America. We need you to challenge Americans to live the other side. And I believe you are the most talented person to fill this role. “White Man’s Burden”. Take the story line and make it yours as only YOU can do. This is something bigger than you. This is your country asking you to serve. As school teachers across america made West Wing a part of their curriculim, you can now make your next screenplay something that dares all americans to see. There’s only one person that can fill this position. I never thought I would say this to the person who wrote The West Wing but it would be your greatest achievment. I am begging you, sir.
Patricia Nafisi writing as Patricia Logan
I TRUST YOU!!!!! You have got to be fucking kidding me. Are you going to develop a new show about the asshole in the White House or what? Stand up for what you believe .Aaron; please develop a show like West Wing. PLEASE get out of your funk or whatever is going on with your butt, and get moving. I write every day for MM (LGBt) fans and what do I tell them? Aaron is my guy, Come on, write a series that someone will pick up. Farrah Fawcett has nothing on you, man. *major kisses*
Can not see why people were so upset about The Newsroom. After watching the first 15 minutes I was hooked and I agreed with everything that was said about the United States. We are not the great nation that we once was. Have enjoyed many of your endeavors and just want to thank you for all the years of entertainment. You are one of the best writers and always enjoy your work.
Catherine Dullea
Dear sir
Please watch the first episode of newsroom again….and write your way into getting onto non hbo….so we all can see it….please……you have a powerful platform….you ate a brilliant individual….make education happen…
Thank you
News room is one of the best series I’ve ever seen. Brilliant dialogue, witty, important. Wouldn’t it have been great if it was runnning now, when there are so muck important stuff in politics to talk about? The more intelligent sibling to the funny but more “in your face” SNL?
John M
Now more than ever we need the inspirational words of Mr. Sorkin. I believe if there was a way for him to work with the producers of the last three seasons of the West Wing, now is the best time to revive the roles of Mathew Santos and Josh Lyman. The show was so well written and virtuous. We need talent and virtue in our lives again. I’d like to hope that this is a possibility. Thank you
Michael Nowlin
We need a new season of The Newsroom!! Especially with the new administration and current climate for journalists.
Brenda Curkendall
Your ‘Aaron Sorkin teaches screenwriting MasterClass’ and supporting adjuncts including its Facebook group are a homerun! Thank you for igniting the spark and fanning the flame in other screenwriters.
This should be credited on your website as well.
We really need a season 4 of The Newsroom. Our current political situation is begging for it.
I just finished watching The Newsroom. I am not an idiot and I enjoyed it very much.
You identified major problems of the social media/lemming/information age. Perhaps the show is more relevant now than when it was first aired. I also learned about behind the scenes choreography. Until now, I never saw the wizard behind the curtain. Now I do. I think Murrow and Cronkite would have liked it too. Pay no attention to the haters.
Amy Coleman Ali
Hello Mr. Sorkin- I’ll keep this short. You are my favorite writer. Period. Your words are music. If you ever felt compelled to pen another motion picture script, please consider the life of Eric Satie as subject matter. His life was fascinating and tragic. His story is just waiting for a voice to equal the beauty of his music.
Thank your for art and mind and for helping to shape who I am as a person.
Amy Coleman Ali
we need the newsroom back.
will would eviscerate propaganda barbie.
C Mosby
Do you even check this out Aaron? Probably not. Still, my wife and I have enjoyed “Newsroom” and just finished watching the 3 seasons once more. Please, Aaron: if you read this, PLEASE develop a series like “Newsroom” which depicts the (name your own noun) which now is our President. Please. Or, at least, help to capture, as only you can, the bully that now is our President. You are a our defender of the news we watch. Don’t let him win the war between truth and “alternative” news. WRITE!!!!!
Stuart Liddell
Has (or perhaps will) Mr. Sorkin consider a new West Wing? President Barlet allued to Sam Seaborn “running” for President one day. It has been 11 years since then which would put a Sam Seaborn right at the point he should be for a White House Presidency. He could bring back a few of the original series regulars, revitalize it with some new folks, and considering the political landscape nowdays it would be an excellent opportunity to really showcase American politics, issues, the far right, the left and the difficulties. I rewatch the entire West Wing at least once a year as so many of those issues remain current and unresolved and yet so many new ones have arisen. It would make for amazing drama and compelling TV once again. RIP Newsroom…I loved you whilst you lasted.
Ian Channell
I’m watching The West Wing for the umpteenth time because I enjoy it very much. Though not American, its the characters I enjoy – as well as the witty repartee and social commentary.
I wondered how the Bartlett administration, with candidate Samuel Seaborne supported by Chief of Staff Josh Lyman, might prepare to run against the today’s US president in the next election.
Meredith Pittman Calton
Mr. Sorkin has a true gift. I am especially moved by The American President and the characters Matt and Harriet on Studio 60. That show was ahead of its time. As a Christian baptist living in the south, it was refreshing to see a character bring such passion and humor. A Christian comfortable enough to just show love and not cram religion down people’s throats. Thank you so much for bringing a character like this to television. It was beautiful. I would love to see more of that in television or film. And would love a chance at the part! Looking forward to seeing the Sorkin Master class, I just stumbled across. Best Wishes for continued success.
Hi Aaron, I have always been a huge fan of yours. My favorite movie of yours is Charlie Wilson’s War. Your script, Mike Nichols directing, Tom Hanks, Philip Hoffman, can it possibly get any better than that? CLASSIC. Awesome dialogue. My favorite TV shows: Newsroom very close 2nd to all time best West Wing. Since Trump was elected I decided to move to the state of Denial so I watch an episode every night. Man if only….. I wrote a comment to a recent article about the Douche-in-chief. I said this:
I DEEPLY regret voting for you. You are a disgrace. And the worst part is that you are utterly incapable of realizing how bad and unqualified you truly are and to compound the problem you refuse to seek help, advice and counsel from people that could help you. So I’m going to help you. Since you like watching TV so damn much and that’s your sole inspiration for your news and decision-making, just do this: obtain the entire series of the WEST WING show with Martin Sheen. When you get up and take your morning dump (I mean the kind on the toilet, not on America), watch one episode every morning. Then just DO WHATEVER WAS ON THAT EPISODE. If you can’t do that, then just hire Aaron Sorkin and give him an office since you are passing them out like candy, to literal children (yours), and just say what he puts on paper for you every day. Then people will at least THINK you are a genius, which would be enough for us (and you).
Aaron, my question to you now is, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NOT WRITING ANYTHING???!!! WE ARE STARVING!!!! SAVE US MAN!!!!
Please get back on your mission to civilize, we need it now more than ever!
I’m looking for a play for my thesis paper (MFA in Production Management). I was wondering if anyone knew where I could purchase or find copies of Removing All Doubt, Making Movies, and Hidden in this Picture.
For all of you Sorkin fans (of which I am one!) an autographed script of Social Network is available on BiddingForGood.com to raise money for a not for profit school.
Julia mcgoldrick
I love your work. I really believe the time is right to bring back newsroom. The best show ever.
Dear god, please come out with something new soon. To keep from taking out the razor blades after reading the news, I’ve been binge-watching the Newsroom, whose portrayal of women was the worst thing on tv except everything else that has ever been written. More, please. You’re in charge of morale.
Joan M. Shea
Thank you
Thank you
I was a fan of yours before, with my own brother , then he died of a heart attack, and there you arrived again with Newsroom,
Critics called it “wordy” and “preachy”
Those same old dum dums
Better recheck themselves
Thank you for your thoughtfulness
Thank you for thinking
I love your work
Please keep me thinking
For my own work
Joan M. Shea
I love and hate my last message
This is what I want to say to Aaron Sorkin
Thank you
You are an inspiration
A fan
Rewatching Newsroom
I can’t imagine that this page has been authorised by Aaron Sorkin. First, it reads as though it has been written by a tenth-grader with decent marks and spell-check software. Second, it’s an apology. It apologizes to people who don’t like Aaron Sorkin’s work for the false-faults which such people have identified and levelled at such work.
The opening sentence: “Aaron Sorkin is one of the most acclaimed, beloved, hated and, if nothing else, identifiable screenwriters of modern times.” Let’s be clear: The people who ’hate’ his work are the people who hate his politics conveyed through his work, which is decidedly liberal, and who couch their anti-liberal bias with criticisms of his writing style or plot-turn choices. That’s fine, though not ideal. My question is: Why do we need to address these people in the first sentence of a website named aaronsorkin.com? Also, concluding that sentence with “if nothing else, identifiable” raises doubt as to the accuracy or your level of conviction in respect of the other adjectives used previous to that one. I knew you wouldn’t understand that one, so I’ll give you an example. A friend of yours is trying to fix you up with someone from her work. She informs you that “he’s smart, funny, wealthy, handsome, and if nothing else, tall.” At this point you’re thinking that you can expect to meet a dim, dull, destitute, unsightly, yet very tall man. Why weaken the force of the first few adjectives by adding “if nothing else”? You’re already cowering from perceived potential backlash against you for being an unabashed fan of Sorkin’s writing. So you’re tempering your enthusiasm with concessions. What it sounds like is an apology. You’re apologizing for either being a fan, or for Sorkin’s work itself. In the former case, you shouldn’t be writing the title page of aaronsorkin.com. In the latter case, there is nothing for which to apologize. Aaron Sorkin doesn’t apologize for his work. Why should you?
First sentence of the second paragraph: “While his style can be polarizing, Sorkin is an undeniably brilliant writer, responsible for modern classics such as […]”. You open the second paragraph with an apology! You placated the Anti-Sorkinists (if there even exists such a group outside your very tender imagination) in the first paragraph. Can’t the second paragraph belong now to us? The fans? Ya it’s polarizing. Every writer who says something about the direction that the world is taking is met with praise and detraction. Do we need to keep appeasing the detractors here? Are we looking for balance? Telling both sides of the story to be fair? This had been discussed aplenty in the Newsroom. If the Republicans make 19 absurd statements in a week and the Democrats only make one ridiculous statement, do we need to ban a discussion of 18 of the 19 Republican statements so that we appear fair and balanced? And this isn’t a newsroom. It’s a fansite. Also, “an undeniably brilliant writer”. Who’s denying it?
Other than appearing fair and offering yet another apology, I fail altogether to see the point of identifying Malice as “a so-so crime thriller” in paragraph 5.
In paragraph 7 you write that the West Wing “would be the most Sorkin-ey, for better or worse […]”. Those 88 or 89 episodes are the greatest plays in the English language (and I’d say) period. So what’s wrong with that? Why for better or worse? They were and still are the best. Why are you apologizing for them? And why here? Please revise.
Michael Olesen
Thank you sir for all your hard work, your ability to create is like no other. Thanks for sharing your incredible talent with us.
Aaron – With Netflix streaming The West Wing and people falling in love with it all over again, why not do a next generation version? You hinted that Rob Lowe would be President some day. Please please bring him back as President and make a whole new series. We need it! There is so much unintelligent TV….. we need you. This would be perfect! Please think about it.
Nina K Russo
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
Idea: Series of piece on a unit of governance in the Catholic Church, e.g. Chancery. Story of an aging man who assumes Archbishop of sophisticated urban city. To surprise of his electors he is progressive and effective in addressing: women priesthood, conservative movement in Catholic Church. His circle of leadership resembles West West. Medieval pageantry of Catholic tradition played against Pope Francis vision of change, kindness, and a loving God. Potential for rich characters and subplots: Catholic Charities; urban homeless; Catholic education; tension between religious orders (Jesuits, Mercy Sisters) and formal Church/Archdiocese; huge Conservative groups pushing for pre Vatican traditions and political initiatives, disengagement of Catholic priests, etc Contact me if you are interested. NRusso
Lucy Conoboy
Dear Aaron,
I’ve been re watching the newsroom and i was hooked the first time but love it more watching it back. The lines you gave Daniels and the genius getting Emily Mortimer. Thank you so much for enriching my life
bring back newsroom
Norma DeLuccia
Hey Aaron,
Remember me? Your piano teacher at SU.
Think of you often & so proud of you & your success. Hope you are still writing, but enjoying thevMaster classes you conduct now. Good luck .Fondly, Norma.
Lizajean Holt
Isn’t it time for Sam Seaborn to run for office? President Bartlett said he would one day.
Ek Trimble
Still waiting to make my pitch.
Wade ,Howard
Love Newsroom. Love even more West Wing. I’m 53 and live in Austin. If you are ever here I’d like to meet you. Or I can meet you on Aspen during the Leadville 100 bike and run. I stay with friends during that time. Would you discuss Newsroom season 2 with me?
Doug Shields
Dear Aaron:
I took your course from MasterClass.com. It changed my life.
I am not a screenwriter. Rather, I write and produce a radio show that expresses news stories as poems. As a poet, I enjoy being ambiguous and misunderstood. However, I’m aware that if I’m going to keep an audience, I have to take them on the journey with me instead of waving at them as I drive by. As long as I do that, I can paint my car as weird as I want. Thank you.
Doug Shields
Peter McLane
We go too long without a Sorkin fix. I await A Few Good Men. Truly a genius writer for our times. How about a series on the Hell we a Re going thru now? Lots of material
I just finished watching Newsroom for the third time. I promise I have seen every episode of West Wing between six and twelve times, with my favorite being the one about the Stackhouse filibuster. What’s next, and as a retired Navy public affairs officer, how can I help?
Aaron is simply the best screenwriter working right now. In fact, he kicks ass as a playwright as well – with The Farnsworth Invention being one of my favorite legit shows (I saw it in La Jolla). Sorkin is an inspiration, and I try my best to emulate him. If I’m someday able to claim to be 10% the writer he is, then that would be a true miracle. If only… If only Mr. Sorkin would mentor me. Oh gosh, then I’d know for sure that the Universe is more than just darkness, that it’s actually capable of love and light and joy and blessings and that God does in fact exist and goddammit I wouldn’t be such a depressed bastard sitting in front of my LCD banging my head against the worn, cracked, backlit keyboard.
Don Culp
I’ve just finished (probably as a reaction to Trump) re-watching the complete 7 seasons of West Wing that I bought on DVD a long time ago. About 3 episodes a night. The Capra-esque dialog still impresses me but even more so is the use of so many extras to show the controlled chaos of the White House.
Oh, God! Where is Bartlet when you need him?
Shirleu Fauria
Old New Orleans. I have a Real Life. story. Fighting life an. Health. Best story for the best screenwriter known.
Mark Zekoff
Mr. Sorkin,
I have little more than a passing fancy that this will ever cross your desk, but that won’t stop me from writing.
It suddenly occurred to me today what it is about your work that enthralls me: you have an unbelievable mastery of presenting both sides of an argument.
From West Wing to Moneyball, your signature is easily identifiable, but until 20 minutes ago the reason had always eluded me–I could always tell what was yours, but I could never tell why I knew.
Sort of makes me wonder why it took me so long, frankly.
I recognize your work because I recognize myself. I have grown up feeling like I was the outsider: I have yet to find the big thick line between what I agree with and what I don’t. I grew up in Alabama. That didn’t make me any friends.
Instead, for years I have found myself as something in between a pariah and a champion: I guess by the numbers that makes me a normal person, but I feel anything but normal bouncing between the two.
I j guess I just wanted you to know that your work changed me, and now I know why.
Mark Zekoff
Michael Bird
Dear Mr Aaron Sorkin
I have enjoyed all 154 episodes of the WEST WING
I would love to see something like it with the English Government
Simular of it giving the people a look into how it works and who does what but i do not know who to ask to do this can you possiblt help me in anyway i would appreciate what help you could give me
Yours Sincerely
Mr Michael Bird
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE revive the newsroom to cover the election and presidency of Donald Trump. I find myself reading the news wondering what Will and McKenzie would say, think and do! Not to mention Maggie, Jim, Don and Sloane. That show made an amazing impact on my life and I mourn that it is over
Alexandra Papalexopoulou
Newsroom was the best TV show ever! (well, after Westwing…). Can we hope for another such production by Aaron Sorkin?
West wing was to me an inspiring series, with such a sucsess write a new series of the administration in todays real life drama…..millions of dollars for a new series!!!
In the series The West Wing, someone tells Sam Seaborn (Rob Lowe) that Sam will be President one day.
Please convey to Mr. Sorkin that it’s time to renew The West Wing with Sam Seaborn as President. Thanks!
Mary Ellen Peden
Please, please do your Rob Lowe West wing reboot now? Okay?
lee kramer
Time to write more about Trump? I read your letter to your wife and daughter the night Trump was elected. printed in Vanity fair. My wife and I shared your anger
Every time I watch West Wing I cry with joy that I got to be alive in the same era as Aaron Sorkin
PJ Andrews
I can’t believe it’s October 2017 and I just now started watching The West Wing. It’s wonderful. Simply wonderful, witty, and smart are words that come to mind describing what I’ve been watching the last two nights. Thank you.
Zach D
I’m looking around at the current environment and am reminded of Newroom S3 E5 ‘Oh Shenandoah’ — specifically the Don Keefer plotline. There was backlash when you said it but you were absolutely right — the court of public opinion is no substitute for a court of law and is even dangerous to innocents (not to mention the tendency of mobs to treat all transgressions as equally bad). Thank you for your foresight and wisdom. And I hope you keep writing if you can even if we as an audience aren’t always kind or smart in our reception.
Betty Cooper
Hello Aaron Sorkin,my name is Betty Cooper, I am an Author of 8 books on Amazon, I really love your movies,if you are interested in reading my 8 books,it would be a great Blessing. I have been working with Voyage Media,Nat.with one of my books,/Through Life Storms there is still hope and Victory, volume 1,2and3. I just need a chance to tell my story.Thank you so much.
Sandra Horgen
I have a simple story that I want not forgotten. A small Minnesota town gets a turn to have an outdoor, under a tent roller rink, roll in the summer of 1963.
Jorge flores
Hi Aaron I write cronologic narrative novel about Mexican mob is in Spanish version, but I can translate and sent to you, is possible ?
Richard Sayage
Hi Aaron, thank you kindly for the West Wing. I’ve taken to watching it again recently, feeling compelled to write and thank you for such inspired work. . Rich
John H
As an earlier, struggling playwright…experienced but lacking formal education in this field…I have developed a fondness for Aaron Sorkin’s writing style. This succeeds in creating and maintaining a high interest level throughout for the intended audience. Stage or screen.. Who could ask for better than Aaron Sorkin for direction in this field.
Thanks, Sorkin, for encouraging me to revitalize a storyline locked for over twenty years in a writer’s ‘can”.
You did a great job with Newsroom. I have watched the series twice! I think you should do another Newsroom series. Needless to say you have great material to use unfortunately. Please! Best series I have ever watched. Thank you.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for holding onto your ideals and writing shows and scripts with such honesty and integrity where intelligence and cleaver wit is celebrated rather than the latest un-reality show or news as entertainment. The West Wing is my goto boxset to lift the spirits and inspire and while all of your shows have had stellar performances I have to say Richard Schiff’s portray of Toby Ziegler is my ultimate TV hero. If only such integrity was common place, So thank you once again for reminding us of everything we could and should be.
Janette Bass
I need to reach Mr. Sorkin in regards to Apple Computer
They stoled my inventions
They stoled my physical COMPUTER
The government helped them in Texas
I was tortured and abused
What Apple put me through is unconscionable
312 643-9704
I didn’t know it was Appke for SIX YEARS OF MY LIFE!
It’s a long horrific story
I went to Beverly Hills high school A a a friend mentioned I should contact you to write the story
He writes comedies
I lost all my human rights
A little over two years ago
All over my inventions
Look up Steven Einstein he is Albert Einstein’s grandson
He thought it was safe to show him my inventions on FaceTime
In Texas we had thugs, cut electrical
Cut gas alarms going off!
The police wrote up several police reports
I was arrested these were my charges:
They claimed I said I invented the iPhone
I didn’t however I have several lawyers including Steven Eisenstein that can testify about my inventions
Second charge:
A officer pulled a gun at me
That’s true
I was locked up and tortured for close to five weeks I was not allowed a lawyer
I was not allowed to use the telephone I was not allowed to go to cafeteria
I was not allowed outside
I had no shoes they gave my clothes away
My meals usually didn’t come up I ate junk food to survive so I gained a lot of weight.( I’m jewish where I was locked up they had never seen a Jew and I keep kosher the obviously didn’t give me kosher meals)
If all this isn’t bad enough
CHECK OUR The billionaire and the borrower on counter Punch
My uncle was i ambassador Roland Arnall ( Ameriquest, Argent,ACc capital)
My uncle took from the poor however he would’ve taken a bribe from Apple!
You don’t know him but he says on the most creative and the family which is a big compliment from ( he’s dead)
I saved my brothers life
I only found out how involved my own brother was because my two other siblings called me and look up her address in Beverly Hills
It bought the estate for 4 million
It’s next-door to Greystone mansion he paid for the cabana by the pool maybe!
It’s worth possibly 30 million
My Uncles home is for sale for 150 million it’s called owlwood
So Mr. AmeriQuest is the executor of the will
So I called my brother and I said I have a way to make it fair to everyone
I told him let’s get Apple they can’t steal my evidence it’s on regular recording devices and regular cameras
He asked me about my evidence
Then he softly said that his firm represents Apple
My heart sunk
I saved his LIFE
That was easy to figure out I researched his lawfirm
He is still doing that illegal mortgage scams under his street names etc
My brother is a pedophile and he is mean I heard you were scared of me because of Apple
I’ve called the anti-trust department of the government I’ve tried to criminal department of the government I tried the FTC up a government I’ve tried the FCC up a government
They say they look for trends is in a trend when Apple is using software to destroy everybody’s phone so they have to buy new ones and putting them in danger because the lithium batteries can cause fires
It burnt my stone counters, x-fiancé counters and when I was working on my inventions in LA a box went on fire
I asked the government if someone throws a match at your home wouldn’t you try and blow it out and call the police
How does Apple get away with doing such horrible things
Cook wrote he keeping are phones working for important calls
The nerve of that gentleman when I was sick in Texas and calling 911 they were sending my phone calls to disconnected or wrong numbers that they put in my phone Apple computer AT&T is my witness!
It’s all called federal wiretapping
Look up professor Rory Van Loo
I told him before the Apple story broke
Watchdog.com John Simpson
Professor Jonathan Taplin USC
I wrote him an extensive letter because he was the only professor knew about the ayn Rand connection
My son in law was Facebooks product manager he believes in Ayn Rand
Kieth Schacht
My daughter Pari Schact builds schools in Silicon Valley for the Ayn Rand Comminity.
I thought I was seeing and hearing things
I call it cyber terrorism from the companies them self!!!
We need new laws to protect consumers from being spied on.
Gail King broke the story about the home devices spying on consumers
But can you imagine that I was tortured all for my obviously brilliant ideas although I don’t think of myself as brilliant.
I know you have already done a movie about Steve Jobs that’s why I’m contacting you
The ghost still hands out in Silicon Valley
Corephonics in Israel is suing them for stealing the camera idea
They stoled the touchpad idea
They settled that in court
Ther Criminals I told Everyone for years about the way they drain the batteries
They can drain it as quickly as they want!
They have many software tricks
I’d like to share my story with you
I’m hoping you can help me make the world a better place!
Please provide any help you can
Janette 312 643-0704
Janette Bass
I’m sorry for all the errors
Apple uses software to scramble things you text or email
This is my second rodeo with them
Can you imagine I asked them for was to give me back what they stoled
And fix the counters in Texas and in my home.
They said “”we need to reset my expectations”
Verbal promises me nothing
You can only push someone so far
I told them o needed to reset my expectations
And I want to be paid for the torture and my inventions
I probably am the foremost expert on all the different software tricks
I can’t google lawyers
So i’ve been calling of the Advocacy group professors online publication
I told them all about this before the Apple story broke!
My 80 year old mother said it was good timing because the world is angry with Apple
I told my mother that my brother was a pig and that he would help me
She was angry that I called him a pig.
I didn’t have the heart to explain that my brother amassed a fortune from his sister and the legal charges
The government said he could lose his license and go to jail for his part
Apple knows everything about me and my family they know that he’s ruthless and cruel
And my Mother just informed me that he owns my condo
( she always claimed it was hers)
This story is so crazy no one could make it up!
I’m the poor sibling btw.
I speak to Apples lawyers ther huge
Ther certainly not mortgage attorneys
Ameriquest meets Apple Computer
I have a great name however
I haven’t locked it in legally yet
I’ve been to busy trying to get the government to do a criminal investigation
I’ve reported to the FTC FCC OIG Anti-trust department the government safety division In Maryland
(They claimed that they didn’t know about the lithium batteries causing extreme heat and fires)
They also heading themselves on the back for coming down on hoverboards
Hover board after you purchase the item not ltrying to mess with the batteries
Apple the nerve
I’ve been calling every slow IPhone down lawyers
Trying to stress the third-party contract we have with our phone carriers the danger involved and that it’s criminal it’s also wiretapping
And they need to reset my expectations
Hopefully you can provide some help
I’m just one person fighting these mega technology Companies
I’m finding out that most people are afraid to take Apple on!
I needed to regroup after I was released without the support of my friends I could’ve come as far as I have.
They all know about Apple and that I was locked up
My friends check in with me
To make sure I’m safe.
I’m not allowed to travel or wind up in a ER room-
I’m the one that should be scared
I know what Apple is capable
Since I started back up with Appke I do have horrible nightmares
The police pushed the door in and grabbed me by my hair
They then carried me by my ankles and wrist ( I was suspended in air)
Cuffed me they destroyed a plate in my right hand.
I’m going to try & sleep
This is very difficult for me to write about
Good Nite
Leanne Doyle
The American President is one of my favorite movies of all time. I love it! I could watch The West Wing over and over again. Incredible writing. Love it! I am a huge fan of Aaron Sorkin!
Hi Mr. Sorkin,
I hope this reaches you well. I have a very important question to ask you about the use of one of your movies quotes. I know that the quote if copyright, so if you could please send me a response back, it would be greatly appreciated.
Although he probably has an imposter syndrome like most hollywood celebs, to me Aaron Sorking is the closest person to God. Being an agnostic that’s easy to say, but his work (The West Wing and The News Room) inspires me to raise above everyday mediocracy and to be a better writer and consultant. He has the tremendous courage to write about the struggle of basically GOOD people. And although that makes him vulnerable for sour criticism I believe that’s just what this highly confusing and most of all deeply cynical and thruthless age needs.
Clementi Simmons
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I am one of those fans who adore you, am amazed by your intellect, humor and class. I have watched your work since The West Wing through Molly’s Game. I have watched A Few Good Men and The Social Network multiple times and paid to see Molly’s Game twice this past holiday season a week apart, going the first time just because I knew it was your work.. I have the three seasons of The Newsroom on CD and have watched them at least three times…and the rant on the college campus over and over and over. Thank you for your professionalism and class in all the work you do. It is so lacking in most of TV and films today.
Aaron —
I left America for Africa when I was 12 and ever lived there permanently since. I bought the entire West Wing Series awhile ago and have seen the whole series four or five times. I laughed, I cried, I howled, I shouted and I learned more about American politics, gaining a respect for the Oval Office no matter who occupied it. All thanks to your edgy writing and boldness. The current rumor is that you will be revisiting West Wing. I will be on board from Episode #1! Thanks so much for sharing your talent, skill and wit. Please keep your pen sharp and you mind free range. Again, thanks, Steve Z
Within the last year I have watched The Newsroom (all episodes) three times. Loved the content. Will’s speech in the first episode was spot on – not only then but for today also. Would love to see a reboot of this series. Wonder what Will would have to say about our current state of affairs?
Kevin Wilson
Sir Sorkin:
Would you be intrigued to write the script for a trendsetting story in baseball?
John Gaither
Mr Sorkin
I just wanted you to know that I feel you are the best screen writer of this generation. I don’t agree with your politics but it’s clear you have a 10lb brain. Thanks for all the hard work you put in to what you do.
Would be a great rime to bring back “The Newsroom “
Rob Smith
In these days of Trump I watch The West Wing and the Newsroom to feel hope and to feel good about America. Aaron’s writing gives me hope and I would love to find other shows based on intelligent dialogue and good role models.
I want to contact Aaron. Thank you.
Melinda Harrison
As I watch once again the West Wing from start to finish, I note that Sam Seaborn was once noted by President Bartlet as being President one day. I so want a West Wing again….So much to work with these days
I didn’t see the newsroom until three years ago. It’s a show that I really enjoyed and despite the criticism, I loved the fact that it showed an idealized news program and journalists. It’s only problem is that it’s needed more now (and I emphasize needed) then when it was first showed. I wish there was a reboot, you would have at least four years of material.
Hi. I see that you don’t update your site too often. I know that writing posts is boring and time
consuming. But did you know that there is a tool that allows
you to create new posts using existing content (from article directories or other websites from
your niche)? And it does it very well. The new articles are
unique and pass the copyscape test. You should try miftolo’s tools
Alli Meyer
Hi Aaron!
I’ll make this short and sweet. My husband thinks the world of you. He’s an infantryman in the US Army and loves everything politics, government, history, etc. I would love it if you would contact me so he could have an autograph or something. You have my email and can email me any time. Thank you so much!
its Aug 2018 and i’m watching Newsroom. The concerns raised are even more pronounced today and just as relevant. Brilliant series…as Don Jr. said “I love it”. Aaron …how about writing about candidates starting at the pre primaries and following through to the top job. There must be enough interesting material and it could do with being uncovered. Best wishes and thanks. David
Robert V Barnes Jr
I’m a retired US Army Infantry Colonel living in Palm Springs. For me, the best TV programs during my lifetime thus far are “The West Wing,” and “The Newsroom,” both your creations. Sadly, “Newsroom,” only lasted 2 seasons, possibly too intelligent for the viewing public or too true about the vile political environment in the US. These two programs were the most relevant and on point of the time. So, Mr. Sorkin, how about getting off your butt, put your genius back to work. The citizens of this country, of the world in general, need someone to present the absolute horror of “Agent Orange,” nickname coined by Spike Lee, on this country which is cascading throughout the world. No doubt in my mind you have dialogue running in your head constantly. Develop a project about a new Congress, even a new administration correcting the course of this nation, possibly around the first woman POTUS, a Kamala Harris type. I served my country with great pride for 28 years. It sickens me to have witnessed greed trumping our humanity and the ugly beast of racism and bigotry dominate the Republican Party and allowing the Russians to invade the Oval. Get up off your ass, Mr. Sorkin. Whether a gift of genetics or years of study and development, you must use your skills, you are a genius. Use it, PLEASE!
Kerry Little
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I have a wonderful idea for a television series. Please contact me. Thanks.
Patricia A Smith
Mr. Sorkin…….in order to escape the horrible Trump administration……I went back to watch West Wing. My favorite all time show and I have all 7 seasons. Just want to thank you for that escape. I totally agree with everything you stated in your letter to your wife and daughter. We are now almost 2 years into this nightmare. When he was elected…….I put the United States in God’s Hands. I thank Him everyday for helping us get through this nightmare named Trump. By the way I will soon be 75 years old…….I lived before Roe vs Wade……I have 2 daughters, 5 granddaughters and a great-granddaughter…….I don’t worry about myself but I do my girls.
God Bless you and yours.
David Mehnert
Don’t put a fork in
Aaron Sorkin;
Don’t tell him how much
His work served nobly,
Under duress, to boldly
Show that a touch of
(Hush now) of genius—
Naughty my word or evil—
Opened up a leap (I’ll
Willingly you now warn)
Of people who once combed
Reruns of Merrill poems
Easing their way into
Librettos of your day.
So I will say nothing
Else of James Merrill—
Except that an anagram
Announced by these lines
Should give you a Carroll
Entertaining as Samos
Under Puthagorean rule
Proved to be.
Now start “The Book
Of Ephraim”, Aaron—
With loving utility.
— DM (James Merrill hid a “puzzle ib plain sight” in hia most famous poem, “Lost in Translation”, knowing some future scholar would discover jt, and it would change the meaning of everything he wrote in a profoundly prophetic sense. That book is still a few years out, but it will be the stuff of the Bewsroom one day, when all that redemptive prophets comes true in ita fashion, though first, volcanic dogs will have their day. CAVE CANEM, old friend and mad hatter, from someone whose good friend knew your Mona Lisas, one or two..)
David Nehnert
[You don’t need to publish that public tribute to Aaron Sorkin — though I do admire his craft and vision, jist to say, and am not embarrassed for people to know that — but the James Merrill discovery is not widely known, bit has been in the works since 2014. One of my discovery’s greatest supporters — James Merrill’s co-literary executor, J.D. Sandy McClatchy — passed away earlier this year, further delaying a project I have kept carefully embargoed. Far better to just share these friendly emails and the book recommendation (James Merrill’s, “Divine Comedies” of 1977, in particular the poem mentioned, and his masterful “Lost in Translation” of 1974, a 214-line porm about a boy doing a jogsaw puzzle that itself contains an unnoticed cryptic puzzle to be noticed and solved after his death. No other writer has done such a thing? Who knows .. but Aaron Sorkin is a visionary and woth just that much of a hint of a tale in this world, could probably do what Henry James did with a donnée, or what Aaron has always done since “A Few Good Men”, marry it to his pure inagination. He will have hos own discovery stories to tell, and I look forward to that happening — does poetry make anything happen? Can men in television be saved? Auden asked the latter question, oerhaps Sorkin would know —
All best — David Mehnert, in reclusion)
Jeremy Musgraves
Good evening Mr. Sorkin,
I am a huge fan of everything you’ve written/directed. I do differ from many of your political/ideological beliefs… at least as much as I can estimate from the media. Perhaps that is not the case, however, I have seen you be nothing but fair and honest in your portrayal of both “sides” in your writing and directing. It is for this reason I am writing you. I admire your take on a great many of subjects, and I have heard rumors for years of a project you wished to do concerning the life of Nikola Tesla. I have never written a fan letter, but I would just like to say that I would love to see how you handle the story of such a peculiar and impressive person. I am simply writing to let you know that there is a market amongst moviegoers to see what you could do with such intriguing subject matter. Thank you for countless hours of entertainment thus far, and I am excited to see what you come up with in the future.
Jeremy Musgraves
Kevin Chorusey
Hi, Aaron.
My wife and I will be seeing TKAM on December 8, the Saturday before you open. The 60 Minutes profile has us even more eager to see how you’ve handled the challenges of bringing the story not only to Broadway but also to 2018 America. I’ve been teaching the book to ninth graders for over 30 years, and I’ve tried to be fair about the disparate views regarding the issue of whether or not Atticus is really a hero. Before starting the novel, I tell my students of a conversation I had many years ago with an African-American parent who referred to my favorite novel as “just another story that makes it seem that black people need white people to fight their battles for them.”
What motivated me to look up this website and write these words was the “Overtime” segment in which you explained why you left out the “Stand up, Miss Jean Louise” moment at the end of the trial. I’ll miss that moment — but you are right to leave it out.
Best of luck in these last weeks of previews. Hope I get a chance to chat with you in person some day.
lyn gunnersen
I absolutely loved the West Wing, for oh so many reasons. I love most of the Newsroom too, but in that show, you have a real problem writing the women. Sloan has 2 PhD’s, and you depict her as worried about a trolling of her ass? McKenzie has done better news than MacEvoy has done in his life, and yet she’s depicted as a hysteric lightweight who can’t figure out how to send an email. Please, please, apply your fabulous talent to showing women with brains, like CJ, guts, like CJ and McKenzie, and savvy, like them both. We sooooooooooooo need them now. Thank you!!
nicholas d rossi
Thank You…
I have a question for Aaron about his life before all of this. I have some of the same issues he had and he seems to have controlled. I want to know how.
Aaron Sorkin – you are an American treasure. A present day Oscar Wilde. Your writing is sublime and that idiot “journalist” who said Newsroom wasn’t funny just didn’t like the complexity of what you so deftly revealed about what news “reporting” has become. I started watching Newsroom because I got cast in a play as an old school reporter being bought out because she still wants to “seek the truth and report it.” I didn’t know much being a journalist, and I knew even less about the political references in the play. So I spent a lot of time doing research, and someone on our production team suggested watching your show. I have been riveted ever since. It’s been a part of my rehearsal process, just like vocal warm-ups and line learning and now Charlie’s just died and my show’s about to close and I am so deeply saddened by it all because what the hell is going to happen to the TRUTH?!!! You have an important voice that this country needs. I hope you’ll be back soon. Surely you have something cooking…maybe you’d like to do some research on the truly disenfranchised black male Republicans who remain silent in our political landscape because it would be career suicide (my husband)…Anyway – thank you for inspiring, educating, moving, and entertaining me. For the record – you are the only American TV show I have ever watched WITH the subtitles, because I don’t want to miss a word of dialogue, and I often watch scenes twice, once to read it and another time to see how they acted it. I would read/watch/act ANYTHING you wrote. THANK YOU!
Joyce Davis
I watched West Wing maybe 4 years ago , at that time I hated watching the news but thought that was a brilliant show. Then sometime last year I got interested in the news Cnn, MSNBC, and Fox News I could not get enough; and then last week I found The Newsroom. I can’t believe it was just three seasons. We need that show I bet you now the audience is different.
Angela Grady
It is time for another West Wing with Rob Lowe, Sam fulfilling what the President , Martin Sheen said to him in one if the West Wing Episodes, that he would be President one day- we need that show today with the original cast of well developed characters – a show that made you feel so proud to be an American – where there was so much respect for the Presidency- Mr Sorkin make another West Wing-
Elena Barengolts
Love your interview today with Fareed Zakaria. Comment: “Jzid” in SSSR and now in Russia has the same connotation as “N…” word in the US. I experience it daily. Any books written about this?
Rachel Ganapoler
Aaron…god knowssss you’ve got more than plentyyyyy of material with this administration..to do more of The Newsroom…I love love lovedddd that show..please..consider this..we need you! now is the time! Rachel Ganapoler
rick marcus
Aaron, you’re wrong about the young Democrats, especially Ocasio-Cortez. They absolutely must have our unconditional support even though they will of course make youthful mistakes along the way. Our country is in such deep shit, as is the world, we no longer have the luxury of gradual change.
rick marcus
What do you mean, “Your comment is awaiting moderation”? Moderation? What are you talking about? My comment is my comment, I don’t want it moderated.
Good morning Mr. Sorkin,
I’m a screenwriter of one of the most important Italian production.
I’m writing to you just for tell you that you are my personal hero and I hope to shake your hand once in my life.
It’s very difficult, I know, but I hope it would be happen a day.
Thanks for everything
It’s an honor live in a world where I can watch your movie.
Cameron Riehl
I have an idea for a West Wing sequel continuing the story of a few characters from the original series. It would be called “The Hill” and would feature Dule Hill in a lead roll as a freshman representative returning to DC for the first time since the end of the Bartlet administration and graduating from Georgetown law with honors. He is a voice of change in a majority republican congress with a far right leaning president in office. Perhaps it could begin with the end of the Santos presidency, Josh and others could decide to work for Charlie as he begins his congressional career. Sam Seaborn and or Will Bailey could cameo as fellow Democrats in congress. I really think this idea has a ton of potential and it would be an incredible pay off for Charlie’s character in the West Wing. He could even have married Zoe Bartlet so Charlie Sheen can reprise his roll as President Bartlet as a regular fixture in the show. If anyone has something to add I would love to hear it in the comments.
EC Murray
I have a great story about an aeronautical engineer. First, you need to
Meet the young women graduating from MIT who work at SpaceX Blue Origin JPL and NASA. They’re young beautiful light hearted and absolutely brilliant, taking command of challenge after challenge. Please contact me if this taps your curiosity. (Love all your work.)
חן יחזקאלי
can anyone please tell me how can i contact Aaron Sorkin?
It is not often that a television show grabs not only your attention but teaches you something. You did that. If ever there was a political climate that necessitated a political fiction tied to the daily drama, Aaron Sorkin can do it.
Please do it.
Julie Crego
I hope that this is still active. I just left a message for Mr. Sorkin. I love your work, am watching the West Wing and the Newsroom again. It helps me keep going, believing. Always looking forward to more and hope that there will be another series like these two.
Jim Johnson
I think Mr.Sorkin (or some other producer) should do a verbatim adaptation of the Mueller Report. Donald Trump continues to obstruct the process and defy Congress, which nullified the full impact of the Report. Recreating all the testimonies with actors (without fictionalizing it) would show the American public the timeline and clear danger of both foreign interference in our elections and the subsequent obstruction. Put some faces on the truth.
Joseph Donnelly
I’m a big fan of yours since Martin Sheen was the chief of staff in a movie. That being said The West Wing may have been the best drama in American television history.
It’s long been expected that a sequel was coming with President Sam Seaborne. I’ve binged the original series three times and would probably enjoy a sequel.
As a fan, you should do a sequel from a republican point of view. Think about it. You’ll become a bigger legend in the industry. I have no experience, but anxious to help do the background.
Please consider both of my television series proposals.
All the Best,
Joe Donnelly
Joseph Donnelly
Please remove my last name and phone number
I know you won’t ever actually read this, but your writing has had a profound impact on my life. I am an ex-fortune 500 executive that lost everything I worked hard for in a 3 year long bender of meth, fraud, and escorts.
I write now and have started a blog that gives you a shoutout in the intro. Everything I post is 100% true and pairs up my personal story with insight into modern day addiction, drug dealing, sex trafficking, gambling, and the underworld hidden in plain sight. I know I am wasting my time, but if anyone reading these has access to Mr. Sorkin, I would never forget your shooting my message to him, lol. Thanks for your time. Check my writing out at http://www.alphatweaker.com.
Faiba Bernard
Mr. Sorkin
David Krohn
I just watched the first seven episodes of The Newsroom this weekend for a second time. Brilliant casting, great acting, brilliant writing, brilliant everything. Probably the role of a lifetime for Jeff Daniels.
News Night 3.0???
David in Denver
Vous êtes un grand auteur. Une idée : Zoey Bartlet for America !
Stephan Gilliam
New west wing. Charlie as president now.
President Bartlet was a religious man evident from the many scenes within churches, also from his many quotes from the bible. He was also an intelligent man and made many decisions after sifting through the evidence. What would he have said if he was asked this question, “do you believe there is a God and if so how do you justify it when there is no rational evidence for one?”
Richard DeRicardo
Mr. Sorkin do you sell any software programs that teach basic and, advanced screenwriting
separately and/or all together sir?
Thank you
Stephanie Mitchell
I think he made up shit as he went antd according to the book I’ve read on interviews with him, sounds like he played his way to the top. I am a real writer not a bs writer like you.
Craig Wilson
Hi Adam,
Every couple of years I rewatch the West Wing and News Room series on DVD and I have to say the latter really relates to today’s appalling political mess in your country and other nations around the world.
The growing acceptance of lies and half truths by the political right worries me and means that reputable democracies are becoming less and less reputable.
We have a situation now where lies in politics seem almost acceptable and where some news outlets broadcast and publish material which is simply untrue.
When did fake news become acceptable?
We have similar issues in Australia, although not to the same extent. It won’t end well.
I really wish you would bring back some new seasons of both the West Wing and News Room. They were nothing short of brilliant!
Craig Wilson
22 Brewster Road Ararat, Victoria, Australia 3377.
Keith Ege
Dear Aaron, This thank you is many years coming. We would likely never be friends ITRW but your West Wing has captured me and given me hope. I am to the right of Genghis Khan to quote my now departed mother. I hope and pray for a government portrayed by your vision; passionate, intelligent, fiercely patriotic, servants of the constitution. Make a sequel for the Republican half of the country. Your eternal admirer, Keith
Cindy Colby
Mr. Sorkin, We’ve been re-watching The Newsroom on Amazon Prime. I’m begging you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE create a new intelligent show like West Wing or The Newsroom. I would love a show that explained all the in’s & out’s of what Trump has done. Maybe you can borrow from John Oliver and call it “Stupid Watergate”. Thank You for all your exceptional shows.
Ian Channell
Watching West Wing yet again. Though not American I enjoy the show – it’s characters, ethics storylines, humour and amazing, sometime heart wrenching speeches. Firstly, thank you Aaron. Secondly, would love to have seen opposition leader, Sam Seaborn, and the West Wing team face off against Trump in a West Wing reboot.
Also enjoyed the Aerican President and Newsroom.
Jessica O.
Hello Mr. Sorkin,
This is the closest thing I found to possibly contact you that I could find.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for letting me be a part of your film, The Trial of the Chicago 7. Last year (2018), I was deported to Mexico due to a mistake my ex-lawyer made when she was filling out the paperwork for me to obtain my Visa. I was in Mexico for 1 year and 6 months. I was staying with some family members I hadn’t seen since I was 4years old and 2 new ones I hadn’t met. I was trying hard to make the best of things while my parents did their best to bring me home. Before I left for Mexico I had obtained my phlebotomy license which helped me get a volunteer job at the clinic in the small village I was staying in Mexico. At that clinic, I learned how to bandage, clean, suture and debride wounds, vaccinate children, adults and dogs and care for the sick. I actually ended up on the front page of the newspaper over there for helping a homeless man who was attacked by a schizophrenic man with a machete (a crazy story I hope to share with you one day). I loved working there, but I missed my home. I fell into a horrible depression and became anemic. After a few tests, Prozac, iron pills and therapy, I had enough proof to show that I needed to come home. And after a ton of paperwork and sleepless nights, I finally obtained my Visa and was able to come home in June of this year 2019. I was struggling to find work as a phlebotomist and I had sent 42 applications to every clinic, hospital, and blood/plasma bank I was able to have my mom drive me to (I don’t know how to drive a car in the streets, but you should see how well I can drive my grandfather’s beat up 1964 Chevy pickup truck in Mexican desert mountain terrain). One day one of my cousins messaged me asking if I would be interested in making some “pocket money” being an extra for TV shows, while I waited for a hospital job. Of course, I immediately said yes. I’ve always wanted to be on TV whether it was as an extra, a protagonist or supporting character on a show, a witness on a crazy news story or a pedestrian on cops, I was eager to be a part of it. He helped me set up my POP profile and told me the basics. He already had experience being a prisoner on Empire and a Taxi driver in the movie Lupe. A week after I set everything up I got an email asking if I’d be interested in playing a student protester in your film The Trial of the Chicago 7. I immediately researched everything I could on the Vietnam protests, the riots, and the actual Chicago 7 trial. Being a part of this project was a true honor and to be honest I was quite surprised at how kind and down to earth, you were with all of us. In case you were wondering who I was, I was the girl with the moss green dress and the big hair. You said I looked out of place and said you had come up with a tragic backstory for why I was protesting the war. You said that the story was that I had married my high school sweetheart and he was drafted into the war and that he was killed and that was the reason why I was protesting. Also on the last day (October 24th), you picked me to fake cry on camera. I swear I can cry on queue, but due to pure excitement, I couldn’t for the life of me shed not even one tear, thank God the makeup team gave me fake tears though. Thank you so much for this film, I seriously can not wait till the film comes out next year.
Jessica Ochoa.
Joseph Carraro
MY play CONVERSATIONS WITH AN AVERAGE JOE would be a great play for us to collaborate.
I originally wrote Conversations—because I recognized our country was being torn apart and something was needed to repair it. Its premise is that we agree to disagree to fight back against a corrupt political system to correct the course we are on, and as a former Independent Senator it is “spot on” with regard to its personalities, issues and solutions fairly representing all sides. But the conversation is not going to get started in DC or in a media that’s lost control of their purpose—it has to start at curtain call.
Conversations is frantic and fun, quick paced—like a bar. And, if it was being produced right now, we have individual presidential candidates agreeing to sit on stage after performances for Q and A discussing issues in the play, giving their version of draining the swamp, as well as local celebrities like AOC, with notorious lobbyist Jack Abramoff agreeing to be there opening night. It’s an earned media bonanza with a minimalist set. There is nothing like it on or off Broadway with my intention to attract and educate the audience with the many current political hot topics that I have first-hand inside knowledge and experience that are mentioned in the play.
It begins when an Environmental Protection Agency community meeting dealing with the Flint water crisis turns ugly with accusations about government and corporate corruption, the residents are forced to leave by the Feds and head over to Janes Bar for further discussion. Waiting at Jane’s are Jane the Owner, the Bartender, and the College Student, soon to be joined by the Veteran after he hears about the mob soon to arrive.
Those who come over from that meeting including the Environmentalist, Reporter, followed by the Retired Guy and Teacher along with the audience, tackle issues of diversity that divides them into agendas of such personal importance that unless they agree to provide for their general welfare, they’ll continue to be doomed to a subservient existence of our government’s making. The Law Student then makes her way into the bar to study only to find herself talking about race relations and equality.
And, it’s the continued debate of issues ranging from gun control to climate change and involving race relations, to personal issues of the prostate to tampons and equality of pay, that can be resolved once they learn how to find a common ground in defense of their livelihoods and liberties and children’s future. These discussions in the familiar setting of their bar, offer the comfort and confidence to speak out and to listen and finally to join together in their best interests. And it’s when the Nurse arrives after a bout of arguing with the Feds that she adds our health care crisis to the mix of things that have got to change.
It’s timely, entertaining, current and true and it’s happening right now all over the country. It’s about POLITICS and average people who deserve a voice. The issues are passionate and driven and balanced with solutions and brings our country together.
“Conversations” was born for this time and those who understand the explosiveness of combining THEATRE AND POLITICS
And of course, with the times we are in, timing is of the essence. We’re encouraging presidential candidates not to drop out just because they’re not being included in a national TV debate. We can provide them an audience and issues to comment on and a media presence that can go national.
Rob S
In today’s political environment I find myself loosing faith in the future of America but watching the West Wing gives me hope. The writing and story line is intelligent and I imagine our founding fathers would love to see at least the hope this series is based on.
I have watched ” In The Shadow of Two Gunman” many times and I thing these 2+ hours are the best story ever filmed. I cry, laugh, and feel hope again after days of tragedy we are are living through now.
Thank you Aaron.
Marion Ford
I am fan. See your message box. SLANG sex, lies, abuse, netey, and a Lil 2Bil$dollar arms deal.
Michaelene George
I love the work of Aaron Sorkin and am looking forward to his next production.
What’s upcoming?
Thank you for your genuine and inspiring work, Aaron!
Ithaca College Theatre and English 1974
Mr. Sorkin,
Your work is inspiring and I love it. At age 73
I have to say we need you now more than ever. You made us believe in the decency and humanity of those in office. Totally the opposite of our experience now .
Dear Aron Sorkin,
Please, please, please write the Congressional sequel to The West Wing — Impeachment.
Nick Maragos
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
Thanks very much for your volume of work. I just finished the entire series of Newsroom (on Amazon Prime), and I much admired the show. I didn’t know why HBO had cancelled after three seasons, but I suspected after the final episode that the MSM had a lot to do with that. Thanks for trying to bring some much needed self-awareness into the journalistic forum, and for keeping alive our First Amendment. It’s not “preachy”; it’s who we are. And yes, I am a staunch Constitutional conservative.
The best to you always.
Nick Maragos
Karen Clos
Hi Aaron—Josh Malina May have already sent an email to you about this, but I wanted to let you know that I’m a post doc grad student in and English program and I’m doing my thesis on you. Specifically, I’m proving that your discourse (scripts) are FREE of gender bias and guess what? It’s working. I’m tired of the faceless mob accusing you of “a women’s problem” and while I doubt this will ever shut them up, it’s a scientific analysis of the characters’ discourse using TWW, MG, and TNR and, like I said, it’s working. Best to you and thanks. Your work is wonderful. KLC
Kara K Bergin
Since I have to hunker down till the virus passes I thought it would be a great time for a West Wing marathon. Love ya.
Wayne Abercrombie
I am wondering the same thing. I would love to hear more about his writing process – especially that which produced the West Wing first four seasons.
Otis Seals Jr.
Why isn’t there a West Wing 2021 with Sam Seaborn?
Oybek Nizamov
Good Day, Mr. Aaron Sorkin
My name is Oybek Nizamov.
Yesterday I saw in the feed on Facebook the first scene of your project The Newsroom аnd decided to revise it.
A whole season at a time, and it’s almost 10 hours of my time. It was so cool that, I did not pay attention to the notification that comes on my phone, and from all social networks from interesting pioples. And in the morning when I watched the season, I asked myself a simple and fairly obvious question. Why HBO decide to close this project? The answer was easy to find even for a guy who lives in Tashkent city.
And now i have for you a question, Mr. Sorkin and he is at least for a million dollars. (It seems just like Americans say, when want to emphasize its significance).
Over the past 5 years there have been unique and historical (not only in USA, but on the World) events that have already been verified and the facts about these events are already laid out on the Internet.
Why haven’t you started collecting these facts in order to write a
scenario for the season 4-6 of the Newsroom?
P.S. Probably you on the first sentence realized that I can not write correct. I’ll tell you the obvious thing, I used Google translator and I’m not even ashamed to write about this to you.
But seriously, if you started this project and have been working for more than a year, then let me know, I want to participate in it.
In any way, I’m a romantic who believes that one person who lives on the other side of the planet can, with a simple massage or a story, do something to change his life.
Best Regards
Oybek Nizamov
Griezmann?is top of?Mourinho’s wish list, ahead of players such as Everton’s top scorer Romelu Lukaku.
Alan Jauw
Mr. Sorkin,
I want to let you know that first I am a Republican, so nobody is perfect. But I vote conscience, so I have somewhat of a redeeming quality. I want to let you know that when I feel that Government is gone awry or when I need a source/infusion of patriotism, West Wing gives me hope. Hope for a greater America, a greater society, a greater nation open to debate, acceptance and freedom. You sir gave me and give me hope everytime I watch it. And I’ve watched the series more than 5 times. I love the women because they are sexy, and not because of their looks. It’s because they are intellectual and independent. I like the men because they are loyal, honorable, and gallant. And I love that they are all respectful and distinguished. You have created a show that shows that the Presidency is not perfect. That they are fallible, but that they move from that to better themselves. Better the country. The show attacks political issues and provides the forum for lively debate. And the education of not only the political system but the history of what made our country. I can’t tell you how inspirational the West Wing is. It makes me want to be a better and more involved citizen. But isn’t that what television is supposed to be. Or use to be. We’ve gone from intellectual TV to the reality TV that is numbing to the soul as well as the mind. Somewhere I read that you would like to Re-establish The West Wing. God I hope he blesses you with the wisdom to do so. I would love to see CJ Craig back on the podium tasking the press to be honest and accurate, Josh Lyman striving to find the next best person to work in the oval office, Sam and Toby writing to make the country as great as it could be and to tasking each other to be better as well. And all the women and men that support them, Donnatella Moss, Margot Hooper, Cathy, and Carol, And Mrs. Landingham. And Leo Mcgarry who showed that being the man in the White House has it’s moments, but it’s not easy being a father figure to the staff and a best friend and confidant to the Presisent. But the fact that you made President Bartlett whom he is. You showed that the President is human, nothing more than a man that is strong, but weak at the same time. That he has emotions and has no qualms to show them. That the Presidency is not just one man that everyone relies on, but one man who relies on the wisdom of many to come to the best but not perfect decision.
If I had a vision for the next West Wing, I would love to see it from Sam Seaborne’s rise from the House to Congress and to the The White House. I remember there was an episode where he would one day make a run for the office. Actually the last 2 yrs of him in office and the search for the next Democratic President. And then maybe the loss to the Republicans to see the other side. What ever you do. I would love to see it. Watch it and be moved by it like the orginal. Thank you Mr. Sorkin. Thank you for this masterpiece. Sincerely,
Alan Jauw
1st generation American and huge West Wing fan.
Michael Griffin
When will you bring ” A Few Good Men” back to Broadway. We are waiting sir
Conte has already recalled one player this season, in Nathan Ake, who was on loan at Bournemouth until his parent club decided to activate the recall clause.
Arthur Torsone
Hi Aaron my wife is forcing me to alert you to read my book. Herb Trader.
Although this true documented story would be perfect for you I’m sure you’re to busy to read the first three pages.Please let me know I’ll send you a copy. I also have treatment and synopsis. Many thanks Arthur Torsone
Aka Max
Barbara Jean Foley
Given your excellence in all things political, I encourage you to review my Husband’s Website noted above, which features his Memoir, Herb Trader. Amazingly enough, he has sold 5000 copies via word of mouth referrals, no advertising/marketing whatsoever! We recently re.watched The Newsroom, as we r sheltering in place during this virus epidemic and are convinced that only you could capture the true essence of this highly riveting political drama of a boy who grew up not far from you in Duchess County, NY., during the 60’s. If for no other reason, it is an excellent read…..based on a true story of someone who was framed by the
US Government and lived to tell the story. Thank you for all your wonderful work…..u r truly a master of your craft!
I am a huge fan of everything you’ve ever done, in movies and tv I guess. That said, there is something I’ve always wanted to ask. I loved Studio 60, Loved it! I’ve always wondered why you didn’t wait until the second or third season to go into the character’s background? I so wish I could have watched seasons two through 20 of that show. This is not a critique, just curious. I can’t wait to see what you do next. Loved The Newsroom, btw.
Ivone Baptista
Hi, I’m Ivone from Portugal and I try to watch CNN everyday. At this particular moment, most of the times I have to turn it off, such is the stupidity going on. (Let there be no doubt, if I’d be American, I’d be Democrat). But because of what the state the US is in, and by just ending watching The Newsroom on HBO, I’m compelled to beg of you to pick the series up from where it ended and show the network at these present times and the internal fight Will would have gone through being Republican and dealing with the present President. It would be a a Hit in Europe, that I can assure you. I love these kind of series. The rithm and how interesting your dialogues are, get me glued to the screen until it ends. It’s a pleasure watching your series and a pitty you don’t write more like these.
Looking forward to seeing part 2 of The Newsroom. 🙂
Best regards
Dear Mr. Sorkin,
I am so grateful for the intelligence and quality of your work. I am a long time fan. In these challenging days, as I navigate through peers and their comments on social media, I often echo in my head Will McAvoy when he says he is on a mission to civilize. It usually ends poorly for him…. but he keeps trying, as do I, when I try to rein in some of the insanity. I fear it will be a fruitless effort, but I think of you when that pops into my head, and I am grateful. Thank you. Congrats on your closing of Chicago 7, can’t wait to see it!
Please resurrect The West Wing for current times.
Mr. Sorkin: in the midst of despair over the destruction of this country by a man I can only refer to as the apricot hellbeast (so often now, my spell check automatically defaults to it), The West Wing is a comfort. It reminds me there are people who work within the WH who genuinely care about the preservation of democracy and the rule of law. As a federal employee for the past 12 years, I am limited in what I can say in such an open forum. Before the Covid-19 shutdown, I had to walk by the President’s portrait and feel overwhelmed before I even cracked my first case file of the day. Your writing gives me hope. Thank you.
Rich Boland
As with millions around the world I say Aaron is mighty. His words and pictures have helped me through all times. He is uplifting. Thanks mate.
A favour to ask. My boss is a bigger fan than me and needs a big cheering up. Could Aaron send him an email saying stick with it and remember his team are right there with him?A note to my email would be fabulous if he can find the time…I know but needs must and all that.
Stay safe all and best wishes.
Greg Bell
Mr. Sorkin,
I noticed you have “pat answers” for many of the questions you get asked, very much like a sports player does when being interviewed or like that bit from the movie Bull Durham.
I placed as a Finalist in Scriptapalooza’s 2020 contest and received a request to submit a video for consideration for their webpage and was wondering if you had any suggestions as to where I could read-up on what someone should or should-not say in such situations. Toastmasters? Dale Carnegie? Miley Cyrus interviews from her days in the Mickey Mouse club?
God help me, I just know that if left to my own devices I’ll say something akin to Me: “My writing process is littered with occurrences of my muse doing the puppy dog scooch across the shag carpet of my imagination.”
Them: “Ewwww.”
Me: “Right?”
Them: “Shag carpet?”
Hey Aaron,
I am rewatching the Newsroom and getting a whole other layer to it now, that wasn’t there originally for me. I was curious, what would Will McAvoy’s thoughts be about not only this year, but this current administration in general. I fear his mission to civilize has not yet succeeded.
Michael Jiloty
I found two 20-second west wing clips that would be great TV commercials relative to the wild presidential campaign we are enduring. To whom shall I send the clips for your consideration? I ask for nothing; I just want you to consider re-purposing these clips for the good of the electorate.
I’m in the process of watching the entire seasons of The West Wing. Since there are so previous remakes, why not The West Wing? This series has put me back on track regarding the President Election. Your writing is spectacular, timeless. I have no idea that this show is 20 years old. Timeless!
“Anyone who calls us the Chicago Seven is a racist. Because you’re discrediting Bobby Seale. You can call us the Chicago Eight, but really we’re the Chicago Ten, because our two lawyers went down with us.”
-Jerry Rubin
Carole Zimmer
Hi Aaron:
I saw the Trial of the Chicago Seven and loved it. Then again, I’m a huge fan of The West Wing, a tonic in a society gone mad.
I’m also the host of an award-winning podcast called “Now What?” Recent guests have included Joe Biden, Norman Lear, Mandy Patinkin, Julie Taymor, Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda. Will you come on and talk about “Trial?” I was a reporter for NBC (and 8 months pregnant) when Abbie Hoffman was in court and nearly got knocked down in the hallway when the crush of reporters raced towards him. Please say yes to being my guest. Regards, Carole
carzimmer@gmail.com, 917 734-0864
Charles Ricottone
I just finished Aaron Sorkin’s masterclass. I’m guessing Andrew Hinderaker also watched it since Aaron basically pitches the show “Away” and now it’s being made by someone else.
We need you and the newsroom back … ! I watched your MasterClass … you called it – “you know this Trump Presidency is going to end badly .. you just know it” …
Barbara Kelley
Have you read “Mary’s Mosaic” by Peter Janney? This would make an excellent movie or mini -series. It is like reading the Davinci Code. And its a true story.
Eric J, redwood city CA
You work has been brilliant.
This last election was WAY scarier than “The Manchurian Candidate”
I suggest you write “The Manchurian President”. You have plenty of material to work with….
Dear Mr Sorkin,
Please write a new script about Charlie, President Bartlett’s aid becoming President.
It has the bones of a brilliant story for these troubled times.
But also – put some strong women characters in it. There aren’t enough CJs in this world.
Thank you.
Melinda C. Mar
Is there a pink think tank for submitting screenplay ideas about prevalent thought provoking life lessons that would help the populace be aware and informed…in this complex, ever evolving world…addresses, e-mails, and other helpful sources would be welcomed
Please make a new series of The Newsroom. You couldn’t have had a more interesting last 4 years it’s as if you made it up. Did you Mr Sorkin?
Gerald & Sandy Mathews
We just completed West Wing, including your inaugural walk on! We loved every quarantined moment. We already miss every character, realizing how authentic and real they were and how many story lines still exist in our current challenged world. We are so grateful for your talent and insight and contribution to our culture. We were fans when it was first released and now loved it even more. God Bless and Thank You. Jerry
Mayer Margolis
Remember “The Madness of King George”?
After this tragedy/farce at the White House plays out (i.e. January 20th) and the theatres reopen, someone is going to write a hit called “The Madness of Donald Trump”. However, it may be a while after Trump leaves office for the full story to play out.
You got to be kidding me ? No offence but Debra Messing IS LUCY REINCARNATED, omg really Nicole Kidman really ? Course shes a great actress and I’m sure she can pull it of but really, ? go with a natural cause Nicole will have to work at it Debra Messing will have to work at not being too Lucy ! Good luck ethier way ! Love your scripts !
Barry Holcomb, MD
Hello Mr. Sorkin-
I am watching the news room again for the third or fourth time. In light of the incredibly turbulent times at the end of the Trump administration, I find the first season covering the emergence of the tea party to be profoundly prophetic.
I wanted to applaud you and complement you on your vision and ability to so accurately predict what has now become a reality in American politics.
To be more specific, in the third episode, as Will is delivering his nightly news hour, he quotes a congressman discussing taking up arms against the federal government.
I never dreamed in 1 million years it would ever come to fruition. Alas it has.
Regardless, I wanted to thank you again for your amazing screen writing and brilliant understanding of the American Socio political climate.
Olivia Wylie
Such a fan of your work. Love your writing! Just wanted to send a compliment!
David K Abraham
I’ve seen the movie and I am waiting (im-)patiently for the release of the DVD of The Trial of the Chicago Seven. Google and IMDB and AMZN are NO help! Please help. If there is an alert list, please put me on it. And thanks for what you do! I am as big a fan of yours as all those others who say how big a fan they are.
David K Abraham
Aaron Sorkin for President!!!
Failing that, can you tell me when “The Trial of the Chicago 7” will be released on DVD?
David Abraham (one of your legions of HUGE fans!) (and I don’t “fan” easy!)
Melanie Haseltine Master
This is a message for Aaron. Going through my Dad’s files and found your high school recommendation letter for college that he wrote for you. Not sure you have it but my Dad wanted me to try and send to you. Hope you are well. My Dad is 90 yards old and Blind but 2 years ago he managed to see To Kill A Mockingbird with Jeff Gardner and Rick Kelly. Wonderful show and experience!
Thank you, Melanie
Jean Betts
Hi from Covid-free New Zealand. Have just heard yr great talk with Michael Moore. Wd love to read yr mockingbird script with a view to getting it on here asap. What are the chances? (Loved Chicago 7 )
You realize that you were born white, right.
That automatically makes you a racist.
Now add that you’re a man, you are the scurg of this planet.
If you would like to try make amends and prove you really hate yourself for being white.
You need to pay a visit to your mother and punch her dead in the face for not aborting you.
I’m sure you’re all in on abortion too.
With the state of the world these days, Aaron should reboot west wing with Charlie as President amd Zoey as first lady. Original cast could do periodic cameos
David Bledsoe
Hullo AAron, my wife and I love “West Wing” and are watching it on DVD at the moment. We would like to request that you write another series akin to “West Wing”. In these volitile times, COVID19 included, there is an enormous amount of material to discuss ploitically and world events wise. My Dad was an engineer in the engineering corps in the American Army for three years in New Guinea during the Second World War. I, myself am a writer of sorts, I have a Bachelor of Arts,. majored in literature and writing and a Master of Arts in literature from Griffith University in Brisbane Australia. My wife is a teacher and received honours in her B.A., and a diploma of education at the same university. Please consider our request. Kind regards,
David Bledsoe.
Wendi Morris
Hello Aaron,
I enjoy your work immensely and appreciate how generous you are with information, advice in interviews and in your Masterclass.
Curious of there is any interest in writing/directing a project about the current billionaire space race. Its insane that Bezos, Musk and Branson can use their chump change to build rockets for pleasure instead of making saving this planet a priority, which they have the means to do. The fact they all single handidly wreck havoc on our environment daily for decades while making it a persinal priority to colonize another planet is a story for any big screen (except Amazon Studio Lol).
Heres to hoping…
Waverly Willis
Hi my name is Waverly Willis. I have an interesting life story of redemption & community service. I’ve been told several times to write a book. I’m sending this as an instrument for material to use for you or your peers. If it is usable please do so & if not please pasd along. Thank you
Ray Loewenau
Hi Mr. Sorkin. I enjoyed Molly’s game five years ago but I really appreciated it now. Great storytelling well written often gut wrenching. And though I do like Ebert, I think he got it wrong about the scene with Molly and her father on the park bench. That was as well done as anything I have read anywhere. It fit it into the movie perfectly and it was a profound scene that could stand alone modeling the depth of intimacy between a father and daughter.
Rick C Ryan
Aaron I am a big fan of your work, and movies like a few good men and money ball have such great stories and dialogue. You have inspired me to become a screen writer. I am searching the internet to see what types of classes you provide so I can learn more about your approach and guidance to writers. Best Rick
In the process of watching newsroom. I have seen you (hopefully Aaron Sorkin) on interviews. You seem very smart but not as articulate as your machine gun delivery characters. I realize the characters get to rehearse. When you’re interviewed hopefully you have no idea what’s coming next. All of the preceding blah, blah, blah.
Your character building, the.interactive conversation along with appropriate music is GENIUS complete genius. Thank You from an old skinny Jewish guy.
florence chapgier
Dear Mr. Sorkin
I am so happy the Committee is having his hearing in honor of your birthday. Seems appropriate.
Much love and best wishes
flo c.
Mr. Sorkin, I just started watching The Newsroom again. The opening scene is still wonderful, and still current. Any chance you could bring this brilliant show back. We need it now more than ever!
Suki Howard
Hi, getting ready to pull together an interesting story but would like some advice on time line structure. Where to start the story; beginning, middle or end and flashback to when?
Birthday June 7th same year as Prince.
Take care, be well and thx for your work !
Howdy! Just binge watched and thoroughly enjoyed The Newsroom!
I am even more confused that shows like Kardashians lasted as long as it did and the Newsroom ended after just 3 seasons?!? Any chance you will consider reviving it?
Others before me have asked; so not sure why I bother… 🙂
Anyhoo, thank you for writing great scripts and dialogues, like in A Few Good Men, also a favorite!
Jody Rowe
Just finished re-watching Newsroom almost 14 years after it aired. It is hard to describe how I feel seeing this show bring to life the issues that signaled the decline of democracy in America. The importance of a free press, the destruction of individual rights by the Supreme Court making Corporations the same as a person, the corrosive effects of social media on truth are just a few of the issues that Mr Sorkin so effectively spoke to with this program. I’’d love to see a new Sorkin show today addressing these issues. I’m not ready to give up on democracy. I’d love to see someone fight for it on my tv.
Jody Rowe
Just finished re-watching Newsroom almost 14 years after it aired. It is hard to describe how I feel seeing this show bring to life the issues that signaled the decline of democracy in America. The importance of a free press, the destruction of individual rights by the Supreme Court making Corporations the same as a person, the corrosive effects of social media on truth are just a few of the issues that Mr Sorkin so effectively spoke to with this program. I’’d love to see a new Sorkin show today addressing these issues. I’m not ready to give up on democracy. I’d love to see someone fight for it on my tv.
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Didn’t your boy Biden tell you to tone down the rhetoric.
Siddharth Bhatia
I can’t believe this comments section doesn’t require my legal name, address, and educational qualifications.
Gary Gluck
Maybe somebody has already said this, heck, I don’t know how someone doesn’t watch The American President and doesn’t think about Kamala Harris reminding the American public that whatever their problem is, Donald Trump isn’t the least bit interested in solving it. He’s interested in two things and two things only: Making you afraid of it and telling you who’s to blame for it.